13 - Casual

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Tom called Bella for a second date, but he insisted she dressed casually with comfortable shoes. He wanted to take her to Phinizy Swamp to walk along the trails. He needed to see what kind of girl she was out of designer heels. Would she run from him if he wore shorts and a t-shirt?

He stood outside her building and she appeared wearing a pair of jeans that fit her like a glove. She had worn them many times.

She smiled at him. "You look good. You didn't mention you workout."

He shrugged. "I have to keep fit. I run and do pushups and pull-ups."

She ran her hand across his biceps. "It's working. So what do you have planned?"

"How about a hike and a picnic?"

She paused. "How about the river walk? Did you pack a picnic?"

"I did." He had purchased most of it from a gourmet market. "The river walk? Okay."

Katie wanted to take him and Paco to the swamp trails. He could wait to enjoy it with his friends.

They strolled, and she talked about the city. It was obvious she loved it.

"Did you like Boston?" She probably knew his city better than him since he was a teenager when he left.

"Yes. The winters took some getting used to. I would consider living north for the right reasons. Do you plan to go back?"

"I don't know." Lately, he had considered it more. He hated being separated from his friends, but he would never be happy in Miami. Truthfully, he wasn't sure Paco would either if Mama C didn't come around.

He felt comfortable walking with her. She was tall, so he didn't dwarf her, but he missed feeling like the protector. Tori was petite and he could engulf her in his embrace. Somehow that had always felt right to him. He wanted to find out how Bella would feel in his arms. As their arms bumped, he clasped her hand in his. It fit, but her fingers were longer. Would he always measure every woman he met against Tori? It was better than comparing them to Katie. She wasn't his and never would be, even if Mama C won and Paco broke her heart. There was a friend code, and they were more than friends. They were brothers.

Her hand was warm and when she smiled at him, he felt the warmth spread. By the time they stopped to have their picnic, he had made a plan to kiss her.

He spread out a blanket and she sat. "What did you bring?"

He packed the food into a backpack he had easily carried. He unzipped and began removing items. Baguettes, hard cheese, grapes, saffron chicken salad, and marinated hearts of palm salad with olives. He also had bottles of sparkling water.

"No wine?" She frowned.

"No, I didn't think it would be allowed."

"I like that you're a rule follower."

Was he always? He felt responsible to hold up the standards of his uniform even when he wasn't wearing it. The army had taught him self discipline. He was less indulgent and thought about others often more than himself.

He waited while Bella helped herself. "Did you shop for this on your own?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Who else would have?"

"Your housekeeper." She was dead serious.

"I don't have a housekeeper. I have a cleaning woman who comes once a month."

He had convinced Paco that it was money well spent. When he moved into his own apartment, he arranged for her to clean it, but Paco canceled her for his. He didn't see the point of paying for a job that Katie could do. Tom had bit his tongue. He loved his friend, but he was old school. Katie rarely worked at her father's bar once she took up with Paco, but she had a full-time job at the hospital.

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