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Jiwon's head ached. What happened?

"It's already your second time in the hospital." Younghoon rolled his eyes. "You can't go anywhere without me, huh?"

Jiwon sighed. The door opened revealing Yuna. "Oh my gosh, I swear, we barely met but that gives you NO right to almost die like that!"

She ran quickly, wrapping her hands around Jiwon. "Please, don't do that again."

Jiwon tensed before laughing. "Can't promise that."

"Hey, wait a minute." Younghoon reached over to tap Jiwon. "How'd you even survive?"

"What do you mean?" She said while trying to pry Yuna off of her.

"That explosion was literally behind you. Besides, that officer shouldn't have endangered your life like that." Younghoon was clearly angry. "Like who's crazy enough to do that?"

"But did you have crazy fast reflexes and just covered your head?"

Jiwon scrunched her nose thinking hard, before memories started crashing down on her.


Hands wrapped around her head, pulling her close to a body.

"You're lucky that I like you enough to save you." The familiar voice whispered to her ears.

Her semiconscious body was carefully set onto the cold marble floor.

His soft breath fanned over her smudged face from the rubble. "Let's meet again, Officer Jiwon."

He ran towards the window, hopping out. "It'd be a pleasure seeing your frustrated little face again."

And he disappeared.


Jiwon was mad, VERY mad.

"Who was the person who distracted me?" Jiwon growled, gritting her teeth.

"They could have blocked the window outside, but no! They decided to mess everything up." Yuna sat down, listening to Jiwon rant out her feelings.

"There there, at least it wasn't your fault." Yuna smiled kindly at her, her hands rubbing Jiwon's back comfortingly.

"I'm so stressed." Jiwon grabbed her phone uninterested. She scrolled through her photos, before stopping on the pictures of the files.


She looked them over, before she sighed in disappointment.

Now she just felt guilty. The papers were paperwork of his transfers from his company towards the security of the Blue House. He really hadn't been lying. She stared at the large sum of money. Where had he even gotten all of this money from?

She turned off her phone in frustration. Hyunjae was a good guy. So why did she feel so uncertain about him?

"Other provinces heard about our little problem. They'd like to meet with us," Yuna said, while playing with Jiwon's hair.

"It's in a few days and we have to dress nice." She smirked. "Even you."

"Nope. I know what you're thinking. Nope."

"So no dress-up?"

"What dress-up?" Younghoon asked, coming in with some tea and snacks. "It's green tea, I heard you like it, right?"

Yuna nodded. "You're the best."

While munching on cookies and sipping some tea, Yuna, Younghoon, and Jiwon looked through expensive outfits online.

"Imagine Younghoon with a clown nose I-"

"Oh shut up! I bet I would still look hot."

"Hot, my butt. Besides, why dress up as a clown when you are already one?'

Younghoon huffed. "Y'all never appreciate all the kind things I do for you."

Yuna slapped his arm. "Kidding."

"You guys busy?" A new voice echoed in the room.

"No, why?" Younghoon said turning around to face the door.

"Oh hi, Hyunjae." Yuna said adoringly.

Hyunjae smiled warmly at her, making her swoon. "Hello there. You guys ready for the meeting in a few days?"

"Yeah, but no. Do I really need an outfit?"

"Of course, you've got to look put together to appeal, not saying that you don't already." He winked, making Younghoon gag a little.

ring ring.

Hyunjae pulled out his phone before looking back at them. "Looks like duty calls. Got an important phone call. See you guys later." He waved, before closing the door behind them.

Yuna smiled at them. "Look, I think..oh I don't know, I think I like him!"

Younghoon rolled his eyes. "No shi-"

Jiwon slapped her hand over his mouth. "Nope. Anyways, we have some empty teacups and bowls from our little tea party. I'll drop 'em off at the kitchen and be right back."

She grabbed the tableware and set off towards the kitchen, trying not to drop the expensive china.

"Oh, I'm doing well, you?"

Jiwon skidded to a stop. "Hyunjae?" she whispered.

"Oh yeah, Yuna is definitely in love with me." He laughed. "Don't worry Dad, she's fallen right into my trap."

Jiwon's hand flew up to her mouth.

Bad idea. A spoon tumbled down, clattering against the beige, marble floor.

Hyunjae's voice died down, his footsteps growing louder.


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