Chapter 36

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Time Skip cause all ya'll know what happened. They all traveled on a buss and they got stuck in the forest surrounding the camp. They got before sundown to get to camp unless no dinner
Bakugo's POV
As soon as we landed on the ground. Sienna teleported through the forest. I heard her scream as I ran towards her. "SIENNA!" I shouted. Stoping in my track as I saw a giant rock monster laying on the ground. "Holy shit that scared the fuck outta me." I walked up to her and punched her hair lightly. "Don't scare me like that dumbass." She laughed and offered a hand to me. "Wanna teleport with me?" I shook my head. "Hell no! It feels like my body is being ripped apart." She laughed. "Ok then... see ya there slow poke." She then teleported. "IM NOT SLOW!" I ran foreword destroying the monsters.
Sienna's POV
I finally found my way out of the forest. The cats were standing there along with a grumpy looking little boy. "Ahhh seems like your the first one to make it back. Jesus that was fast." Pixie-bob spoke. "Yea but we expected it. We do know your quirks after all." Mandalay said. I smiled and nodded. Glancing at the little boy. "Hello." He scoffed and turned away. "Ahh this is my cousin Kota." Mandalay spoke. I went to him and sat down on my knees in front of him. "Hey Kota. My name is Sienna." I stuck out my hand as he just slapped it away. "I don't care about you dumb hero's." He turned around. His back facing me. I smiled and stood up. "Ok then. Don't think of me as a hero. Just as a regular student. I mean. I'm not in a hero costume. So Why did you assume I was a hero?" I smirked. He glanced over his shoulder. I could see a slight smile on his face. "Hmm." Soon everyone came out of the forest. Panting and lying on the ground. Our uniforms dirty and scuffed. "Ahhh glad to see everyone made it out alive." Mandalay spoke. "Awww man. I thought my dirt monsters would be stronger." Pixie-bob pouted. "Good job everyone. Especially you four." Mandalay pointed to me, Bakugo, Todoroki and Deku. "Great job! Now head to the dinning hall to eat. This is the only time we are cooking for you." Everyone groaned. Deku tried to talk to Kota but got kicked in the balls.
Time Skip
It was the next day. Everyone was standing around. Some in their hero suites, others in regular clothing. "This camp will not be fun and games. You are here to train. So you will. I have individualized a training method for each one of you to help your quirks." Aizawa spoke. Sending everyone to different locations. Tokoyami went into a cave to help control dark shadow. Bakugo had a bucket of boiling hot water and started to make giant explosions in the air. Deku and Kirishima went to go fight with tiger. Todoroki sat in a tub of water. Controlling the temperature. Uraraka went to a pile of rocks and started to use her quirk. Sero went to a cliff and started releasing a lot of tape. Aizawa didn't call my name for anything. As everyone walked off, I went up to him. "Mr. Aizawa? What will I be doing?" He looked at me and sighed. "Forgot about you Sienna. Your quirk is pretty powerful and you pretty much have Great control, but that stunt you pulled at your exams was dangerous." I looked down sighing. "I apologize- let me finish." He cut me off as I nodded. "Even though it was dangerous. It could be very effective. So. Since we don't want the building exploding. I want you to harvest the light from the sun." My eyes widened. "SAY WHAT?" I shouted. He rubbed his temples. "Look. I want you to harvest the light from the sun. If I'm correct. You will be able to take the heat and light of the sun into your body and shoot it out through your white light. It will be powerful and the blasts will be more hotter in temperature." I nodded and stared to walk off before he called me causing me to stop and turn around. "I don't want you to do it alone. You could disintegrate yourself from the suns heat. So grab Todoroki. Both of you will work together on this. He will use his ice to cool you down and he will control the temperature of it." I nodded

Walking towards Todoroki as he stepped out the water. Wiping a towel over his face from the sweat. His grey T-shirt clinging to his toned abs. "Hey Shoto!" He turned to me and gave a soft smile. "Hey Sienna. What's up?" "Aizawa told me to train with you. I need your help." He nodded. "Ok what exactly do you need help with?"
We walked to a open area directly were the sun was above us. "Well...I am going to try and harvest the light from the sun making my light brighter, stronger, and hotter." His eyes filled with worry. "Wouldn't that disintegrate you?" I smiled and nodded. "Yep! That's were you come in. You can use your ice to help
Cool me down. Changing the temperatures depending on how hot I am." He blushed a bit at my last comment but nodded. "Ok then. Whenever your ready." I nodded. Taking a deep breath. Opening my palms. Picturing the sun in my mind. "Absorb." I felt the rush of heat fill into me. It felt like it was burning my insides. "Ahhh." I whimpered. Feeling my skin burn. "SIENNA!" Todoroki shouted. He grabbed me and focused on cooling my body down. His normal temperatures ice worked since the heat wasn't that hot. I was breathing heavy as he took a sigh of relief. "Are you ok?" I looked at the slightly burned skin spots and nodded. "Yes thank you. Let's go again." He nodded and we stood back up.

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