Chapter 50

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Bakugo's POV
Once we all got back to the dorms I went straight to my room to change into black sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I got out and saw that damn Deku. "Oi Deku. I want to speak with you outside. It's about your power. Met me at ground beta." I walked past him and outside towards ground beta. Everyone else was sleep since we got home pretty late. I stood out in beta and saw Deku. "W-what did you want to talk about Kacchan?" Deku stuttered out. I frowned at him. "You know...I remember the time where you were just a quirk less loser. Good for nothing, but now you suddenly manifested a quirk and by some miracle you got accepted into U.A. You even received your provisional license while I failed." I growled. "K-Kacchan. I received my license because of preforming well." "Tch shut up you damn Deku. Let me finish." Stupid idiot.


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"Look. I figured out you inherited your quirk from all might. I don't know how exactly but you did." That damn Deku tensed up. He looked nervous. "W-what are you- "DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME!" I snapped. "At the Kamino incident. I put the pieces together. How you looked at him. How he pointed and said, "now it's your turn" I'm not dumb dumbass." " does knowing the truth about my quirk help you?" Deku spoke. "Tch. I want to fight you." This caught the damn Deku off guard. W-wha?" "YOU HEARD WHAT I SAID DAMNIT! I WANNA FIGHT." I shouted.

"Kacchan we shouldn't

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"Kacchan we shouldn't...we should wait until training practice." "Dumbass we can't. The teachers will stop us from going all out. I want to fight you to see what's so great about you. To see why All Might went so far to help
You." I charged for that damn Deku but he started up his quirk and dodged but I got his leg. "You and your stupid skills." I commented while the damn Deku was surprised we were even fighting.
I am not finna explain this whole scene. Too much work and I'm lazy😎 SO ENJOY THE PICTURES

 Too much work and I'm lazy😎 SO ENJOY THE PICTURES

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