Talab-e-Ishq (2)

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Daniyal's mind clouded with her thoughts. He didn't knew what to do now. He wanted her and now when she was ready to accept him for the sake of family his heart was restless. How can she even accept him after he had hurt her so much?

Was he really so selfish to leave her? He did what he thought was right at that time. His growing feeling by having her beside him every second wasn't helping either.

He shook his head visibly to get rid of uninvited thoughts and sighed deeply.

Daneen had given her answer in front of family and for the sake of family. She couldn't snatch away the happiness that radiated off their faces when they came to know about Daniyal's feelings.

She wasn't selfish like him, rather she was acting selfless only for the happiness of her family.

Regret, guilt, anger and what not was he feeling now. He didn't even know how to mend her now. She didn't even want to have him as her life partner. May be she liked someone else? Or even loved? Ohh Allah! What he had done!

Their nikah was fixed as for now on the same date his engagement was. Rukhsati will be done after Daneen's studies.

In need of fresh air he picked up his car keys from the table and sprinted out the room only to clash with a soft body, and whole jug of water spilled on him making him short of breath on winter night.

He looked up angrily only to meet the beautiful pair of eyes staring back at him. Daniyal's eyes softened at her startled one's.

Before he could comprehend what happend, Daneen burst out laughing on his face seeing his condition. His entire face was drenched followed by his shirt making him look like a joker.

Daniyal's lips formed into a full blown smile seeing her laughing freely holding her stomach.

"Look at your face." Saying she again burst out laughing.

"Aj tak dekha nahi mai ne kahi aisa shabab,
Teri honton ki tabassum se hai sharminda gulab." Before he could stop himself his tongue itself uttered the words.

Daneen's laughter died in her throat as a beautiful smile adjorned her lips with a deep blush on cheeks, she looked down.

"Apke hone ka ehsaas gulab ke phool jaisa hai,
Khubsurat bhi hai badarfa chubhta bhi hai." She looked up with a new gained confidence.

While Daniyal's eyes flashed with hurt. "Daneen...please...just give me a chance...I promise I won't disappoint you." He said keeping his hand on his heart.

"Just one chance is all I ask for? I will be indebted to you my whole life. Please...It was the hardest year in my whole twenty three years of life...you don't know how I restrained myself from coming back to you and never letting you go...I...Just please one chance? I will do whatever you want me to...but please...don't do this. Don't look at me like I am a stranger to you." He literally begged in front of her while tears gathered at the corner of his eyes but he quickly wiped it away making her heart clench while her own tears made it way down to her cheeks.

"There is no space for second chance. This is first and last. I am only marrying you cause our parents want me to. I don't have feelings for you except you were my Bhaijan. Only you can make your way to my heart." Saying she sprinted away not looking at him.

Daniyal's happiness knew no bound. He was smiling like a lunatic, skipping the idea of going out he came back to the walls of his room and fell on the bed happily screeching like a girl.

She wasn't the little girl he left behind one year ago who was fully dependent on him rather she was whole new version, more confident and more beautiful.

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