chapter 43

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saturday came by and today was the day i was going to formally meet mark's parents. me and his and mom talk for a few times but they were only small talks, i haven't talk to his dad yet though but mark said he's nice.

we were at their backyard which had a pool, it looked like were having a barbecue party. i saw kids already playing at their pool but most people were at the table.

i sat down on a long chair and looked at the view. it was kinda noisy but not really. mark suddenly came and sat next to me.

"you nervous?" i nodded.

he held my hand tightly. "i'm sure you'll do fine"

after the food was cooked everyone gathered at the table meaning it will now start.

"wait mark should i speak english?"

"whatever you're comfortable with, i can translate you know" i thought for a while before settling on speaking english.

"so good afternoon everyone, today we're gathered here to get know mark's girlfriend, yuna!" i don't know why they made this formal, but it's still chill.

"she can understand english right?" she asked mark then looked at me. "she can understand most of it" he answered and i nodded.

"you can introduce yourself now" mark whispered to me.

"hi i'm yuna kim! i'm 21 years old i just graduated a few weeks ago and uhm i don't have any specific interests at the moment." i was clearly nervous but i was calming myself down.

they gave bright reactions. "wow you're so good at english!"

"ah noo.. i know some but thank you" i thanked.

we moved on to mark's siblings.

"hi i'm tammy, i'm mark's older sister and i have 3 daughters playing over there," she pointed towards the pool.

"i hope we can get along!" she flashed a smile and i did too.

"hi i'm joey, i'm mark's younger brother. i stream at twitch it'll be cool if you can check it out! but i hope everything goes well with you and my bro!"

"i'm abby! uh i'm joey's girlfriend and i also stream, i hope we can also get along girl!" oh so that was joey's girlfriend.

his dad and mom also introduced theirselves with warm smiles which calmed me down a little bit. they were all so friendly and nice.

"see i told you there's nothing you should be worried about" mark whispered to me. i faced him and smiled. "yeah.."

it went on quite smoothly when they asked us about their relationship. it was kinda similiar to what my mum also asked before.

i didn't realize it already wrapped up. tammy suggested that we should just enjoy the day in the pool so everyone hopped on. the pool was quite big and had alot of space.

"babe aren't you coming?" mark ask putting a towel down on my chair.

"i will later, i just need to take care of something" he nodded before giving me a videi camera.

"alright if you're done can you take videos of me for my got7 offline? and join us!" i nodded.

"alright, have fun for me" he pouted before jumping on the pool which splashed tons of water.

i took out my phone and started to take some photos of mark. they came out really good, he really does have an amazing body but he caught me taking pictures of him so he smiled for the picture.

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