chapter 45

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"jagi wake up, we need to leave" i fluttered my eyes open.

"what time is it?" i rubbed my eyes and yawned. "6am"

"it's too earlyyyyy" i whined and fell back asleep.

"don't worry, i already packed your things. just get ready and you can sleep in the plane" i ignored him and tried to go back to sleep.

i can hear him calling me multiple times but i kept ignoring it. when i was finally about to go asleep again i felt a soft pair of lips on mine. i was startled but kissed back. mark leaned in more and was soon on top of me. he suddenly pulled out when i was in need of more.

"are you not gonna get ready?" i shook my head.

"fine, you won't get any kisses" i gasped. "you wouldn't"

"yes i would" i groaned and pushed him out of my way.

"wear your represent hoodie" he reminded when i was in the bathroom.

"what if i don't wanna?"

"you don't have any choice, that's the only hoodie you have left" i groaned. he planned this.

after i got ready i walked out from the bathroom and saw that we were matching. "you planned this"

"of course i did, don't we look cute?"

i snorted. "cute my ass" i put on my mask and a bucket hat.

i grabbed my luggage and he brought his. we walked downstairs and saw that all of his family were awake. mark ran to where they were and hugged them tightly.

"i'll visit again soon"

"yuna dear," i approached his mom. "take care of our mark well"

"i will" they also gave me a hug.

"let's keep in touch yuna!" abby said and i agreed.

we waved goodbye and rode a bus "have you had breakfast?" i asked as my tummy was rumbling.

"no we'll go buy mcdonalds near the airport" i nodded.

"you can sleep if you want, i'll wake you up when we're there"

"i'll sleep in the plane" he couldn't argue and just agreed. i was feeling a little tired so i opened my phone.

"oh you posted our pictures" that was the first thing i saw when i opened my instagram. "of course"

"i'll post one later" i saw him grab his phone.

"anyway fans might be waiting for us back at the airport in korea" he changed the topic.

"oh really? why?"

"for previews, to know that i've arrived back"

"why are you telling me this?"

"so you wouldn't be surprised with the amount of them waiting" so he's confident they're waiting for him.

we reached the airport quickly as there weren't any traffic. we went to mcdonalds first and ordered for our breakfast.

we quickly ate our burgers here and went to the airport. when we entered we saw a few fans.

"oh you told me there were going to be back at korea?" i asked.

"i didn't expect them either, it's still pretty early" mark waved to the fans before holding my hand and waited for our plane.

"why are you guys here so earlier? have you ate yet?" mark asked to the fans which touched my heart on how caring he was.

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