Chapter 23: The Greatest Amongst The Great Prophecies

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"How are you doing? Oh My awesome Oracle, Are you having fun?" The god muttered causing her Oracle to cringe by his poor Haiku.

"Apollo, No Haiku please, I haven't eat breakfast yet, don't spoil my appetite"

"C'mon now, don't be so grumpy, Is there anything that's bothering my awesome Oracle?" the sun god ask casually, as he slump on a extremely narrow stool, while staring at his Oracle with plastered grin on his face.

"We're just recovering from titan and giant wars, and now I think we have another great prophecy" Rachel said with a hint of worry on her voice, and a grimaced displaying on her face.

"Apollo, Funny enough I have a prophecy in hand, I don't understand... I dreamt it, instead of the usual, I known this for months but I'm not sure, if it's a real prophecy" She explained weakly, as she rummaged her belongings for a small notebook.

"What does it say's?" The sun god ask frantically, as he stand and pace back and forth, while his expression turns grim. On the other hand, the oracle turn the pages of her notebook and found the said prophecy.

"Here it is, The Prophecy" The Oracle muttered before reciting the prophecy from her dreams.

In The Reign Of Skies, Darkness Will Rise

As The War Of Deities Unfold, Gods Will Be Fooled

Truth Will Serves As Light, Time Shall Aid The Exiled

As Loyalty Free Those In Oath, The God's Will Be Given A Choice

With The Last Breath Of Heir, Shattered The Last Of His Humane

One Shall Fall In Dire, As The Deceitful Rise

The Hero Will Be Given A Choice, A Path That Will Give A Way For Return

The Ancient Prophecy Will Be Fulfilled, The Curse of The Father Will Be Passed

In The Hands Of  His Spawn, The King Shall Meet The End of His Reign

The Past, Future Shall Unite, As He Claimed Who Is He Once Was

In The Battle Of Self, One Will Perish And One Will Remain

One's Eternity Shall Be Sacrificed, Or Bloodbath Will Spun

In The End The Peace Will Be Found"

"I- Do you tell anybody about this?" The sun god ask worriedly, as he absorbed what the prophecy entails, while his nerves and worries multiply by thousands.

"I don't tell anybody about this, It's too much too processed and too dangerous to speak of" The oracle replied weakly, as she stare at the grim expression of the most laid back god.

"Good, It's should be kept that way, No god should know about this" The god warned grimly, before sitting on the stool to calm his self, he might not admit but this prophecy might caused his siblings and him their end, and anytime now they don't desire to stay at Tartarus for eons.

"Apollo, On the third line it refers to you and  Percy right? But I don't understand whose the heir?" The Oracle ask casually, as both pondered for answers on their brains.

"I afraid it refers to Perce, remember the prophecy that force him to be a god? It mentions something about him being heir. A Spawn Of Sea's, Hero Of Many
Destined To Be A God, Or Shall Perished
In The Hands Of Fates, Let He Be The Heir
Of The Powers Owned, By His Previous Foe
Though I'm not sure" The god explained, but he knew prophecies can be misleading at time, he knew that it could mean differently. The best thing he could do is let the events unfold, then the prophecy will starts to make sense.

"Apollo, Do you mean Percy will die?" The Oracle ask incredulously, as she realized that her friend might die because of her stupid prophecy.

"He's Immortal, Unless he fade....but he's too young and has massive domains, he can't possibly die at this moment" The god replied confidently, but he don't know if he's convincing his Oracle or his convincing himself, he might not admit but these past few moments, they become extremely close friend, and he can't help but trust the godling. Out of the Olympian's, The god of time is the only one whose not thirsting for powers, and the loyalty and kindness of the godling is too much to ignore.

"I wish you're right, What will you do now?" The oracle ask calmly, as she stare at the sun god, whose still shaken and silent by the prophecy.

"Rachel, We will do nothing about this, If father discover this, He will try to kill every Olympian daughter and son he have, and I'm not really believing that he will be replaced anytime soon" The sun god replied, as he patch the portions of flashes that he seen about the future.

"Okay, Say hello for me to Percy, He haven't visit me for too long" The oracle said sweetly, before she stand and followed the god to exit her cave.

"Yeah sure, Goodbye Rachel, Have a awesome day" The god said jokingly, as he smiled blindingly towards the freckled Oracle, before vanishing and leaving the pondering mortal.

"Perseus, What is up with you and great Prophecies?...........

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