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It had to be the middle of the afternoon judging by the light coming in from the small window to my left. It was hard to tell how long I'd been unconscious when I was loaded onto the cargo plane, compliments of the asshole who'd been tasked with making sure I got handled discretely. My wrists ached miserably since they'd been tied and fastened to a hook hanging from the plane's ceiling. I could feel my face swelling from the blows I took trying to get away from this mess, but that pain was a welcomed distraction from my real aches and injuries. I couldn't decide what hurt most, my wrists or my stomach from the stab wound that finally disabled me.

"Did you have to fuck up her face like that Tiny?" asked one of my captors as he paused next to me seemingly unfazed by the load of boxes in his arms. "She was so fucking hot and now we'll have to fuck that ugly shit."

"Just put a rag over her face and use your imagination" I heard Tiny reply from somewhere behind me, too casually for my taste. Tiny, of course, was anything but.

"Fuck you" I whispered as loudly as I could.

"What did you say?" Tiny came up from behind me and yanked my head back hard by my formerly pristine pony tail.

"Fuck you" I groaned in pain.

"No. But you know what I will do. I am going to fuck you and when me and all my men have used you good, I will throw you out of this plane so the sharks can digest every last bit of you."

"I" I tried to shift my head to relieve the pain in my neck to no avail.

"What?" Tiny gritted his teeth.

"I. I and all my men have used you... You said me and all my men have used you and that's just bad English" I croaked. I wondered if all the bleeding was dehydrating me because my throat felt all kinds of dry.

Tiny yanked my hair once more sending ripples of pain through my body. One day I was going to learn to keep my mouth shut. Although, by the looks of it that day might not be in this lifetime.

"Keep talking while you can... Soon we'll put that smart mouth to better use cop. Maybe we'll even cut out your tongue to make more room and send it to your Captain as a reminder not to send his cunts to play with the big boys" I wish I could say he called himself and his cronies 'big boys' metaphorically, but that was actually their human trafficking and all kinds of other illegal activity gang name. The poor bastards lacked in imagination what they lacked in human decency.

Tiny licked my cheek as he released my hair and it was all I could do not dry heave the nonexistent contents of my stomach.

Much as I would have liked to believe he was just trying to scare me, this wasn't my first rodeo. He and his men would do their worst and no one was going to stop them.

I took a couple of ragged breaths trying to calm myself and control the panic that threatened to take over me. Unfortunately, I knew from experience if I gave into my fear, I wouldn't be able to come up with a crazy idea that might could give me a chance at escape, and until now the possibility of one of those ideas was the only thing keeping me alive.

For lack of anything better to do, being tied up and wounded had a way of limiting one's options, I began assessing my situation. I was surrounded by crates and a forklift that I assumed was to load and unload the goods. The keys were in the ignition, but I doubted I could make a successful getaway in it being that we were thousands of feet off the ground and possibly flying over water.

I was pretty sure we were heading east of Houston, where I'd been captured, because the cargo area was hot and humid; we were undoubtedly headed to tropical climates.

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