2- Monday

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We Fell In Love In October- Girl In Red

"Samuel wake up" my mother yelled pulling the blankets off of me I groan and sit up rubbing my eyes I stumble out of bed going through my boxes finding black jeans and a pink shirt I go to the bathroom and do my business then brush my teeth and hair I made sure I looked good then grabbed my backpack walking to the bus stop, I see Tara and Devyn surrounded by a bunch of people I felt my anxiety kick in I start to fidget with my hands, should I go up to them I think ima stay right here "Sam" I heard Tara yell, great just great "Hey Tara" I say softly "Come on" She drags me to the group "Guys this is Sam" Tara says shaking my slightly I just give a nervous smile "Oh Sam this is Corey my lovely boyfriend, Jake Reggie Kevin Brennen and Colby" She smirks I didn't really look at any of the guys I just looked at Devyn "And this is Shea Kat and Cassie" she finishes I finally looked up at the guys not knowing how was who because I wasn't paying attention we got on the bus and I sat by a girl with blue hair "Are you nervous" the girl with blue hair asks "Um ya" I stutter she giggles "I'm Kat I could tell you weren't paying attention" she says I giggle slightly and shake her hand "Everyone here is pretty chill and no one messes with us because all our boyfriends are jocks" she says, JOCK fuckin jocks that means their popular "Um which one are you dating again" I question "Brennen the one over there" she points to a guy with high lights in his hair then he was sitting next to Corey Devyns boyfriend I know who Jake and Corey are because Tara and Devyn never shut up about them "Oh ok" I say nodding my head "I know you've only been to the bus stop but have you seen anyone cute" she wiggles her eye brows making me giggle "Not yet" I shake my head she hums in response we get to the school I go to the front office and get my schedule "Alright let's go" Tara said dragging my to the back of the school "What are we doing" I question "Skipping first period" she said I gasp "Don't worry we won't get in trouble they don't care" she said I nod my head unsure of this idea we get to the back and everybody was sitting underneath a tree "Hey baby" Jake said pulling Tara into his lap she giggles I sit down not saying a word everybody was cuddling but 3 People I know their names were Shea Kevin and Colby, Shea was the girl but I couldn't guess who Colby and Kevin were then Kat came and sat next to me "Want me to go over the names again" She whispers I nod my head "Thats Corey Jake Reggie Brennen Kevin Colby Shea Cassie" she says I nod my head that was Colby he had ear piercings along with a nose piercing he was dressed in all black with a leather jacket with a B on it he was hot I was practically drooling over him right now I quickly look away I could feel my face get hot "Oh my good" Kat squeals "What" I question "Your blushing are you gay" she whispers the last part I nod my head looking down, welp there goes trying to stay in the closet "Do you think Colby's hot" she whispers in my ear making my eyes go wide and shake my head no she giggles "Hey no secrets" Tara yells "Were not telling secrets" I giggle softly, Tara scoffs "Um can we go over to your house after school" Devyn asks "All of you" I question she nods her head yes "Um ya I just have to ask my mom" I say "Ok ask her" Kat says I nod my head and pull out my phone to text my mom "She said that's fine" I said "Ok cool" Tara smiles.

We got out of the bus and start to walk to my house "Oh don't mind my room I haven't unpacked" I say unlocking the door we walk inside and everybody goes start to the kitchen "Sorry Sam but we're all starving and we have practice in a bit" Corey said I just giggle and shake my head the girls and I go up into my room "Sam you should have Colby build this he's good at following instructions" Shea said "Maybe" I say I looked at Kat and she was Smirking I roll my eyes playfully "Colby" Cassie yelled making me giggle, after a few minutes all the guys came up here my room was big so it fit everybody "Can you build this for sam "Devyn asks pointing to my dresser "Yea sure" Colby replied "Are you coming to the game this Friday" Kevin asks "Um sure ya I'll go" I answer "Cool" Reggie said "Your room is huge" Jake said surprised I giggle "Ya he can fit a whole couch in here" Brennen said "Oh I have an extra couch in my garage do you want it" Shea asks, I should just have them decorate my whole room "Yea sure what color is it" I ask "Black" she responds I just nod my head "Oh guys tell coach I won't be at practice I have a doctors appointment" Colby said making the guys groan "Your the best one on the team" Brennen said "Excuse me" Kevin said offending making us laugh "Just tell him, and I'm still playing in the game" Colby said they all nodded "Alright it's time to go" Reggie said they all said bye to their girlfriends "Bye Sam" they all called in sync "Bye" I shout back "Alright did you see anyone cute today" Devyn asks "No" I lied because the person I found cute is in the room "Your lying" Tara said I shake my head no "Tell us" Shea pushed "I didn't see anyone" I shrug "Guys I gotta go" Cassie said "Ok bye" we say in sync "Come on tell us" Kat smirked "I promise I didn't see anyone cute" I say sitting on my bed they scoff "Leave the poor kid alone he said he didn't see anyone cute" Colby spoke up after a while Kat smirked bigger "Thank you" I say he just gives me a soft smile.

Colby left to his appointment he's coming back tomorrow to finish the dresser and the girls left back home I was starting to get tired so I changed and laid down falling asleep.

Don't mind me just casually skipping PE to write another chapter😌

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