8- Boyfriends

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When I Left Heaven- Lil Tracy

"Sammy wake up" Colby ran a hand through my hair I open my eyes with a soft smile "We have to go to school" he whispers I nod my head and sit up then I realized I was still on top of Colby "I'm so sorry I'm probably so heavy" I get off of him quickly crossing my arms over my stomach he sighs "Sam your not heavy, your perfect everything about you" he says grabbing my hands I smile slightly "Um will you be my boyfriend" he asks I look down "Why would you want to date me I'm ugly and fat and so pale a-" I get cut off "No don't do that your perfect your not ugly your so beautiful and your not fat and how cares if your pale, I think it's beautiful" he says tears brimmed my eyes "So let me ask you again, will you be my boyfriend" he asks "Yes" I respond he smiles pulling me into a soft kiss "Are we going to tell everybody" I say referring to our group "Um I think we should wait but if you can't go tell them we can" he said "No we can wait I think that's a good idea" I say he nods his head ok "Let's get dressed and go"he said we both get up and change, then we started walking to the bus i was wearing his jacket again "Oh how's your foot" I ask as we sat down "It's better" he said with a soft smile it was so hard not to kiss him so I looked away "Sam what are you doing today" Devyn asked "Um I don't know yet why" I say "Me and the girls want to come over later" she said I nod my head "Do you have practice today" I question Colby he shakes his head no "Um My mom and I are going out tonight" I lied "Oh ok maybe next time" she said kinda sad guilt filled me "Sam why did you lie" he whispered chuckle I giggle and shrug "Becuase i Wanna be with you" I reply he smiles "I wanna kiss you so bad" he whispered making me giggle.

I drag Colby into my house but he pulls me back kissing me softly someone cleared their throat, I look back to see my mom "Oh mom" I say nervously she smiles "Um this is my boyfriend Colby um Colby this is my mom you've meet before" I rant she starts laughing, me and Colby confused "Why are you laughing" I ask "You guys look so nervous, I'm not mad" she shrugs I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "Thank god" I say with a little giggle I grab Colby's hand and we sit at the kitchen table while she cooked something "How long have you guys been dating" she questions looking up at us "Just today" Colby responds grabbing my hand under the table she coos "You guys are so cute" she said making us smile "Oh I gotta take you to go meet my parents" he said I tensed up "Don't worry they'll love you" he says wrapping an arm around me I relax into his touch my mom coos again I giggle and scoot closer to Colby he kisses the side of my head, my mom made us some soup and after we went up to my room and cuddled "Baby I have to leave" Colby said making me get butterflies when he said baby but I pouted "I'll see you tomorrow" he said kissing my lips I smile "Ok fine" I said "Bye" he kisses my softly "Bye" I whisper he leaves and I lay back down falling asleep.

Only if you knew:/

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