31- Pregnat?

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So I know for a fact if I write a Larry book nobody would really read it cus my account is Solby but maybe if you watch a couple Larry moments you'll be hooked so I left one up top:)

I sit up leaning over the side of the bed throwing up "Sam" Colby sat up quickly coming to my side tears came to my eyes "I'm sorry" I sob he sighs "Baby don't apologize" he whispers I nod my head sniffling "I'll clean it up" I say standing up but I got pulled back down "No I'll clean it up but when I'm done we're going to the doctors" he said I nod my head slowly laying back down.
It's been a couple weeks of me throwing up every morning, I honestly don't know why, "Baby get ready so we can leave" Colby kissed my head I smile and get starting to get dressed.
We get to the doctors office I sit down while Colby gets the papers "Here baby do you want me to fill them out or you" he questions "I can do it thank you tho" I take the papers and start signing them after a while I have Colby the papers and he gave them to the front desk he comes back "What did they say" I ask "You'll get called in a few" he wraps an arm around me I sigh and nod my head melting at his touch.
"Samuel John Golbach" I heard I stand up and quickly walk to the back door "Hey are you Samuel" she asks looking at papers then me I nod my head yes "Alright let's go your brother can come to" she said Colby let's out a chuckle making me giggle "Um he's my boyfriend" I say intertwining our fingers she smiles "I'm so sorry" she apologizes "It's ok" I giggle then we go to the back.
"So can you tell me some of your symptoms" she asks I nod my head "Um I've been throwing up every morning, I get really nauseous and yea" I stop "And he has a lot of mood swings" Colby adds making me gasp and hit him playfully, he chuckles "You guys are so cute" she laughs "Thank you" he responds "Ok so I want you to lay down we're going to do a ultrasound" she says I give her a confused look.
"Um why an ultrasound" I question she sighs and sits down "Well I think you might be a carrier" she said making me even more confused "A carrier is when your a male but you can have babies" she explains I gasp and look at Colby with tears in my eyes "I didn't know that was possible" he whispers "Yea it's very rare but it is very much possible" she laughs lightly.
"So have you guys done it without protection" she asks I look at Colby "Yea like 2 weeks ago it was our first time without protection" he reply's she nods her head "Ok let's do an ultrasound" she claps her hands together I nod my head and lay down and lift up my shirt she puts a cold clear gel on my stomach I gasp slightly with a small giggle.
"Yep your 2 weeks pregnant, and if you look right here you can see a tiny little dot almost like a peanut, that's your baby" she says pointing it out I smile with tears in my eyes I look at Colby and he has tears in his eyes too "We're going to be parents" he said laughing through tears I nod my head letting my tears slip he pulls me into a soft kiss.

Colby placed his hands on my stomach "Hey buddy or baby girl I don't know if you can hear me but I love you so so much" he places a kiss to my belly making me giggle "Your so cute" I say cupping his cheeks he smiles "I can't believe we're going to be dads" I whisper "I know, but what if I'm not good at it" he said worriedly "Colbs don't worry about it I'm sure you'll be the best dad ever" I pull him into a kiss.
"I'm hungry" I whine making him chuckle "what do you want" he asks I think for a little I've been craving shrimp for a while "Um what about shrimp" I suggest he looks at me like I'm crazy I giggle "You've never liked shrimp why do you want it now" he asks I shrug and say "It's a craving I guess" he chuckles "Ok let's get shrimp" he orders it and we finish off the night cuddling and eating shrimp.

Let me know if you watched the video plz

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