5- The Game

463 16 4

Stan- Eminem(Feat. Dido)

"Sam let's go we're going to be late" Devyn yelled I sigh finishing my hair "Ok I'm done" I say she smiles "Oh are you trying to empress" she smirks I roll my eyes playfully with a soft smile we go into the car the girls had stuff on their face "Here want some" Cassie asks "No thank you" I reply we get to the game and find seats it was packed there was loud music playing then the football players came out we cheered for them, now it was halftime it was really cold so we all got up and went down to the Field "We're winning" Colby shouted to us I giggled he was all sweating "Congrats" we all say in sync then there was a gust of wind making me shiver and cross my arms "Brennen give me jacket" Colby called I furrow my eyebrows "Here" he wraps the jacket around me "Thank you" I smile softly "Aw" everybody cooed I felt my cheeks heat up I hide my face in Colby's hoodie paws "Alright games going to start in a bit" he said I nod my head turning around I see the girls smiling big making me giggle "Oh my god" they squeal "Are y'all dating" Shea asks a hit of jealousy but happiness "No" I reply "Not yet" Kat said "I ship" Tara and Devyn say in sync "Shh he can probably here us" I giggle pushing them they laugh and we walk back up to the bleachers "Ew what are you doing wearing his jacket" a voice said I turn around to see a girl "Um sorry what was that" I ask "What are you doing wearing my boyfriends jacket" she sasses, boyfriend, he didn't say he had a girlfriend "Sam she's lying Colby would never date someone like her" Devyn whispered in my ear I nod my head and turn around "Fag" she yelled I cringed at the word but kept walking "She thinks Colby's hers ever since he became a jock" she said I nod my head and sit down waiting for the game to start up after a while the game finishes and we go back out to the field I see Colby sitting down icing his foot I furrow my eyebrows and walk over to him "What happened" I ask softly "I just rolled it I'll be fine" he said I nod my head "Let go" he stands up but winces "You ok" I ask he nods his head and he limps out to the parking lot "Need a ride home" he asks me I look around for the girls and I couldn't find them "Please" I say he smiles and gets into his car I do the same we get to my house "Wanna stay for a bit" I ask standing on the porch "I don't know it is the weekend" he said I nod my head with a small smile "Please" I give big eyes he chuckle "Fine" he gives in I smile and grab his hand and drag him inside he chuckles "Slow down" he says I giggle and pull him into my bedroom "You stink" I say plugging my noise "Well someone insisted I should stay" he says I giggle "Um I might have bigger clothes" I say "But no boxers" I add he chuckles "I have some don't worry" I nod my head and pull out some sweats "What size are you" I ask looking at the tag it said medium I'm a small but I just tie them "Medium" he responds I throw him the sweats "Shirt or no shirt" I ask "No shirt" he responds I felt myself get butterflies "Ok the bathrooms over there" I point across the

I was laying down and Colby came back shirtless I felt my cheeks heat up he put his dirty clothes in his bag I watched as his back muscles flexed I looked away before he could catch me "Do you have an ice pack" he asks "Um ya I'll get it" I stutter getting up quickly I get the ice pack then go back downstairs Colby was sitting on my bed looking at his foot It was really swollen I gasp lightly "Are you it's not broken" I ask putting the ice pack on his foot I hear him chuckle "What" I question "Your hands are tiny" he said I gasp offended "Not in a bad way it's cute" he chuckles grabbing my hands he puts his hands against mine his hands were way bigger then mine "Your hands are big" I giggle then he did something I never thought he would do, he intertwined our fingers I smile and look into his eyes "Did ever tell how beautiful your eyes are" he said I blush deeply making him chuckle I look down at our hands it was perfect our hands were like puzzles I smile softly then I let out a small yawn "Let's sleep ya" he says I nod my head and crawl in next to him "Night" he says "G'Night" I whisper closing my eyes and falling asleep.


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