20- Im In

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Hold Me Now- Thompson Twins

"Baby I'll be ok" I said he pouts "Please I don't want you to get hurt" Sam argued I sigh "I won't I promise but I have to go I'm going to be late" I kiss him running out the door I go to the bus "Hey man how are you holding up" Jake asks me I shrug not wanting to talk to anybody we got to school and I went to my first class, the teacher was annoying so I asked to use the "bathroom" but I went to the back of the school I laid underneath a tree.
"Hey" someone shouted I lift my head up seeing a group of 9 guys in leather jackets I felt fear shoot through my body, they start to walk towards me I stand up "So heard you got shot" one of them said I nod my head and shrug "So this guy is after your boyfriend" Another said I furrow my eyebrows "How did you know that" I ask "We know everything" A guy with red hair snickered I chuckle slightly "Ok what do you want from me" I question they all look at each other then look at me.
"Well we're in a gang, and we can protect you and your boyfriend if you join" another guy said I nod my head "And you can become our leader" he added "Um I don't know" I say looking around to see if this some kind of test "Don't worry no one will know" someone whispered I look back up and smirk "You guys will protect us" I question they all nod their heads yes "So are you in" someone asked "I'm in" I reply With a smirk the cheer "Ok let's go" one said "Me too" I ask.
They nod their heads and start to walk off I learned all their names Conor, Rick, Luke, Jordan, Mike, Robbie, Glen, Justin, and Noah we went out to a bar "Come on just one shot" Mike begs I chuckle and shake my head no "I can't Sam will kill me" I say making him groan I laugh "So how does this hole thing work" I ask "Um basically you order us around" Robbie shrugged "If another gang messes with us" Glen adds I nod my head their gang name was Black Sheep and they were getting me a leather jacket to match them.
My phone starts to ring I grab it, it was Sam "I'll be back" I tell the boys I go outside "Hey baby" I answer "Thank god your ok" he said sounding like he was crying "Of course baby I'm ok" I chuckle making him giggle slightly "Where are you, your suppose to be home already" he say I look at he time, shit, "Sorry baby I'll be home in a bit got caught up at school" I say "Ok be careful I love you" he said "Love you too" I respond he hangs up I go back inside.
"Um one of you drop me off Sams house, Hes worried" I order "Right away boss" Rick said getting up "See you guys tomorrow" I say they all say bye I get onto Ricks motorcycle once we get to the block Sam lives on I tell Rick to drop me off at the corner "See you tomorrow" I speak he nods his head driving  off I smile slightly then start to walk to Sams house I go inside Sam jumps into my arms making me stumble Back, my back hitting the wall "I missed you" he whispers.
I wrapped my arms around his waist I tap his legs for him to jump, he jumps up wrapping his legs around my waist "I missed you too" I whisper rubbing his back.

Oh forgot to say next couple chapters are in Colby's Pov

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