36- Baby Names

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"Baby wake up" Colby creased my cheek I smile and let my eyes flutter open "Tara and Devyn are still here and they are asking for baby names" he said I groan "It's to early for that" I whine closing my eyes again "That's what I said" he picked me up throwing me over his shoulder I squeal.
"Colbs put me down" I giggle he chuckles and sits me on the counter I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him softly "Aw so cute now break it up" Tara threw a bag of bread at us I giggle into the kiss "Now let's think of names" Devyn says pulling me off the counter and into the living room "Devyn we have time the baby's not due until another 5 months" I sigh softly "And that 5 months is going to fly by fast" Tara chimed in I roll my eyes.
"Can you do this later im going to go talk to my husband" I say getting up and going to the kitchen Colby was looking phone looking angry and sad "Colbs you ok" I wrap my arms around his torso he slightly pushed me off of him "I'm fine" he mumble going upstairs I sigh and follow him, when I went into our room he was vaping I sit next to him "What's wrong you vape when somethings wrong and your mad again" I start he looks at me with broken eyes.
"Um I h-" he breaks down into tears I pull him into a hug and rub his back "Shh it's ok" I whisper why was he crying?
After a while he calmed down I ran a hand through his hair and said "Talk to me" he let out a shaky breath before speaking "So my dad called me the other day saying h- he has c-cancer" his voice cracks I gasp "Oh my is he going to be ok" I ask worriedly "We're not sure" he whispered sitting up looking me in the eye "And my mom is getting a divorce from him" he spoke looking down, I had so many questions but I didn't say anything I just pulled him into a hug.

After Colby cried himself to sleep I went downstairs to see the girls still here I smile slightly "Oh hey Sam everything ok" Devyn asks "Um yea" I reply sitting in front of them "We heard Colby crying is he ok" she pushed, I explained everything to them "Oh my god that's terrible" Tara said softly I nod my head with a sigh "Ok that's enough sad talk how are your relationships going" I ask them they look at each other then back at me.
"Um corey and I broke up" she said I furrow my eyebrows "Oh I'm sorry" I reply she shrugs with a smile, weird, "Jake and I are done he cheated" Tara shrugged as well, were they not sad about it "Um ok and you guys aren't sad about the break up" I ask they both shake their heads no "Ok" I say then they start to laugh I give them a confused look "Your face" Devyn laughed "It's priceless" Tara snorted I roll my eyes "Fuck you guys" I flip them off making them laugh more I huff and cross my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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