Chapter 2.2

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A/N: Meh, I don't know what to think of this chapter. My covid head just made this up in just 6 hours.

Ignore the Kai part. It sucks.

Well, the entire chapter sucks.

I just wanted to give you something.


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They weren't having a good day.

Hope and Kayla believed they deserved one freaking day off, to have some peace.

But do they?

Of course not.

Malivore still liked to screw with them, sending more monsters out of his belly.

Starting with a troll like creature they had come across and were now hunting through the woods.

Hope was focusing on the tracks the creature left behind, some kind of purple slime while Kayla dragged her feet behind her, annoyed to be playing hero again.

"Really, shouldn't be like, I don't know, traveling around?" Kayla not for the first time complained, "We can start over, Hope!"

Hope gave her a tired look from behind her shoulder, "You're the one who wanted to return to the school in the first place"

"Says the one who should not want to return there anymore" Kayla countered making Hope wince at the blunt reminder of Landon and Josie. "Hello! Boyfriend moved on. So should you"

"Kay, I say this from the deepest side of my heart that loves you" Hope began, giving up her search momentarily to turn to her best friend, giving her a sweet, sarcastic smile "Shut up and help me look for this thing"

Kayla threw her head back with a long groan, throwing her arms up, "I don't know why you still play being the hero. No one remembers all you've done for them. It's a waste of energy"

Hope didn't answer to that. She knew the reason why she still was haunting Malivore monsters. She felt guilty she didn't destroy Malivore like she had planned to. Something Kayla didn't seem to care.

"You came back rather blunt from Malivore" Hope decided to say as she returned tracking down the troll.

Kayla followed behind, arms crossed over her chest, scowling slightly, "I just came to terms that things are going to be different now. There's no point on mulling over the past like you're so intent on doing"

"I'm not -" Hope turned to Kayla only to see her giving her a pointed look as she gestured around the woods. "Its not mulling on the past. This is me, also moving on"

"Into hunting Malivore monsters" Kayla deadpanned, "Yeah, you're so moving on" she stopped when a disgusting odor reached her nostrils, "Gah, what's that?"

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