First meet

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*hey hey hey. This another Minwook story. Ok chillax. This will be my last Minwook story and I'll start concentrating on Klaine more. I started a Klaine story! Is called To Kiss You Like Yesterday. It won't have smut. Well hard rock smut, just make out and stuff because I realized I've been writing too much of that and some people don't like it. Anyways, hope you like this story as much as I liked it and I hope you read my other story New Job For You. It haves rock on smut so be warned**

Sungmin got dressed up to go to his new school. He was excited. He grabbed an apple and got out of his house and ready to school.

When he arrived, he took a good look of everybody that was inside the school. Until he saw someone that interested him.

A boy. He was redheaded, skinny and not that tall but he was gorgeous. He first went to his locker which was surprisingly next to the boy. He walked towards it and the boy turned around.

" Hi. Are you new at this school? I haven't seen you around" The boy asked.

" Yes. I am. My name's Lee Sungmin " Sungmin said.

" My name's Kim Ryeowook" The boy who's name was Ryeowook said.

" So...Wanna grab breakfast? " Sungmin asked.

" Sure" Ryeowook said and they both headed to the cafeteria.

When they grabbed their breakfast, they sat across each other.

" So, Ryeowook... Do you have any siblings? " Sungmin asked.

" Umm...No. And you?" Ryeowook asked curiosly.

" Yes. His name is Sungjin " Sungmin said. " I'm the oldest. "

" I wish I had siblings. It gets lonely in my house. My mom and dad are always in business trips and I never get to come with" Ryeowook frowned looking back at his tray.

" Then I'll be your brother " Sungmin said and Ryeowook stopped looking at his tray and looked at Sungmin. " I'll protect you. You can trust me"

Ryeowook smiled at him and went back to eating with a blush because Sungmin was watching him with a smile also.

" Let's get out of here" Sungmin said once Ryeowook was finished.

" What? But you haven't touched your food" Ryeowook said. " You only drank your milk"

" Yeah..." Sungmin said. He grabbed Ryeowwok's and his tray and took them to the dumpster, dumping the food and the left overs and putting the tray on top of the table that was next to the dumpster.

" Now let's go" Sungmin grabbed Ryeowook's hand and took him out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom.

" What are we doing here?" Ryeowook asked.

" I don't know. Let's just enjoy the moment " Sungmin said. He sat in a desk while Ryeowook just stared at him. " Come here" Ryeowook walked to Sungmin. Sungmin pulled his wrist so Ryeowook fell on his lap.

" I want to know everything about you one day. So when you become a famous singer in a band and someone asks: Who is he? I'm gonna say, that's Kim Ryeowook. I met him in high school and he is a great person" Sungmin whispered in his ear.

" How did you know I wanted to be a singer in a band?" Ryeowook asked surprised.

" I could tell" Sungmin smiled.

" What about you? Don't you want to be a singer in a band?"

" I guess. If ever come across that decision, I'll say yes" Sungmin said.

" Let's make a pact. If that decision ever come across us, we have to join together in the same band. " Ryeowook said holding out his pinky.

" Ok. Deal" Sungmin said with a smile and crossed their pinkys. Ryeowook lied back down in Sungmin's chest and Sungmin wrapped his arms around Ryeowook. Even though they just met, they had this special connection. Besides, Ryeowook just made his first friend and he wasn't about to let that go easily.

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