Fell in love

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*5 years later*

Ryeowook found himself on the living room with Sungwoo in front of him doing a puzzle. Today was the day that Sungmin was supposed to get back and he was so depressed. He found it hard to get out of bed but he found his only reason. Because of Lee Sungwoo.

The guys told him to get out and start dating again but what's the point? He was just going to compare them with Sungmin. He hasn't done anything with anybody and he hasn't gone on dates, there wasn't anybody in this world he was interested in but the guys pushed him and he finally said yes. The guys were babysitting Sungwoo while Ryeowook went on his date with this guy. Which reminded him that he needed to get going.

" Sungwoo. I'm leaving. Behave. The guys are watching you tonight" Ryeowook said.

" Ok daddy" Sungwoo said. Ryeowook kissed his head and opened the door to find a man. He instantly fell in love all over again. This man was so different. And that's what turned Ryeowook on. This man wasn't that tall. But he was taller than Ryeowook. He was so surprised. Ryeowook couldn't believe this....

" S-Sungmin?" Ryeowook stuttered.
" Dad!" Sungwoo exclaimed and ran to Sungmin, jumping on him and hugging him tight.

" Sunwoo! I missed you little guy" Sungmin said. He put him down and Sungwoo ran to clean up his puzzle.

"T-they said you were dead. What happened?" Ryeowook asked shocked.

" I managed to run out of the house before it exploded. " Sungmin smiled.

" Thank God you're ok" Ryeowook said and hugged Sungmin. Tears falling from both of their eyes. Ryeowook pulled away from the hug quickly, his eyes and nose were red from crying.

" Sungwoo. Can you go downstairs to Heechul for a while. Me and Daddy have to talk" Sungmin said. Sungwoo nodded and ran downstairs, giving him one last hug. Once he was out, Sungmin pulled Ryeowook into a kiss, grabbing his waist and pulling him close...

Their clothes were scattered around the room, their hairs were messy and the room was hot. They only had underwear on in case someone decided to bust in which they knew it would happen.

Sungmin was under the sheets, kissing Ryeowook's stomach and biting and licking his nipples softly making Ryeowook moan. Then, the door busted open reviling a few people. Kyuhyun, Yesung, Leeteuk, ShinDong, Eunhyuk and Kangin. The others were downstairs with Sungwoo.

"Ryeowook! I'm so glad you started dating but why so soon?" Leeteuk asked.

" Hey. They say that once you done it, you get addicted " Eunhyuk said.

" Aaah....And he hasn't done it with anybody for a while so he must have been going crazy" Kangin said.

" Do you actually think he picked a stranger to do it with?" Yesung asked.

"Probably. " Kyuhyun said. " You gotta do what you gotta do"

" Guys! I'm right here. Get out from the blankets. " Ryeowook said. Sungmin got out from the blankets and everybody gasped, shocked.

" Sungmin! You're alive" Kangin exclaimed.

" Are you guys decent? " ShinDong asked.

" Well we knew this would happen so we have our underwear on" Sungmin said.

" Yaaay!" They all exclaimed and threw themselves on top of the two. Soon, the guys from downstairs joined the sandwich and Sungwoo was on top of all.

" I love you guys" Sungmin said from the bottom.

" We love you too" All of them said in unison. He's finally back.

Ryeowook and Sungmin dressed up and went to dinner. Sungwoo stayed home with Heechul and Donghae.

" How are you? You've grown" Sungmin asked Ryeowook, staring lustily in his eyes.

" I've been peachy. I thought you were dead, Sungmin. I was scared that I lost you forever "Ryeowook said.

" Well you didn't. I'm here and I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon"

" You look so different, so tough. I almost didn't recognized you. It felt like I fell in love again"

" I know I did. I always fall over and over again for you. Every time I see you"

"You're such a sweetheart. Let's go for a walk" Ryeowook took Sungmin's hand and they went out for a walk. They were sure a few fans were watching them but they didn't care. Sungmin spinned Ryeowook so they were chest to chest.

" You're mine" Sungmin said and kissed Ryeowook.

" I'm yours" Ryeowook whispered and kissed Sungmin again. They kept walking until Ryeowook recognized somebody.

" Hey! Eun Geun Sung! " Ryeowook called. The guy turned around and ran to Ryeowook.

"Ryeowook-shii! Hi!" He exclaimed and gave him a hug.

"Eun Geun Sung, you remember Sungmin? " Ryeowook asked. " Sungmin this is Eun Geun Sung, we met at the hospital when you were in a coma"

" Hi. Yeah I remember." Sungmin said jealously.

" I thought you said he died in battle" Geun asked confused.

" I thought he did but he's back from the dead"

"I missed you, we should keep in touch " Geun said. " I have to go but call me"

" I will" Ryeowook said and Geun Sung left. They kept walking but Sungmin was really quiet.

" What's wrong Sungmin? " Ryeowook asked.

"I don't like him." Sungmin pouted. "Be honest" Sungmin stopped walking and so did Ryeowook. "Did you and Geun did anything or were anything? I mean, when you thought I was dead"

" He tried to kiss me. But I pushed him away and the next day he asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend but I said I would think about it and I never answered him"

" I want to ask you a favor. If I die, you HAVE to find someone new. If it's possible, I want you to go to Geun Sung "

" Sungmin...Don't say that. You won't die and if you ever do, my heart will always be devoted to you. "

" Just promise me, please"

" No because that means I'll be lying to you"

"Ok then. Come on, let's keep walking "

" Sungmin. I'm yours" Ryeowook smiled and Sungmin smiled back. They walked back to their house and talked for what seemed like hours. They were lucky. The fell in love again...

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