Lee Sungwoo

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*5 months later* *December, 21st*

SJ were in a concert. Ryeowook decided to stay at home now that his 9 months along and he could barely walk. His due date was in December 24th and he wanted to be at home when it happened with Sungmin by his side. Suddenly, he felt wetness under him. He looked under him and he was soaked wet. SJ were now singing Don't Don and Sungmin wasn't in stage yet so his first instinct was to call him.

" Hello? Ryeowook is everything ok?" Sungmin asked.

" My water just broke" Ryeowook said taking deep breaths.

" Ok. Stay there. I'm on my way. Just take deep breaths"

Sungmin ran out of the concert and got a taxi to take him to Ryeowook. When he got home, he found Ryeowook on the couch trying to take breaths.

"Ok relax. Let's go. " Sungmin took Ryeowook's shaky hand and they walked downstairs. Sungmin took Ryeowook's hospital bag and they both walked out of the house. The hospital was about 3 or 4 minutes away. They got in a taxi and it started driving away to the location.

"Ryeowook look at me, look at me. Breath honey, ok. 1....2....3.....4" Sungmin said breathing in and out while Ryeowook tried to copy him. They got to the hospital and immediately, got some help. They put Ryeowook in a wheel chair and started rolling him in a room, Sungmin following them closely.

"It's gonna be okay. Just breath honey, breath" Sungmin said to Ryeowook. They were sure the hospital wasn't filled with fans but they didn't noticed one that was video taping everything until they disappeared into a room.

Sungmin puts on Ryeowook a hospital gown and stays besides him.

" Ok, your 9 centimeters dilated. " The doctor said. Ryeowook started to scream.

" No. Ryeowook don't push yet. Don't push" Sungmin said.

" Ok! 10! Push" The doctor said. Ryeowook started to push and scream at the same time.

" Son of a bitch!" Ryeowook screamed. He pushed harder while Sungmin holded his hand encouraging him.

" You're almost there baby!" Sungmin said.

" I see the head!" The doctor said.

" One more push baby. One more push and you're done" Sungmin told him. Ryeowook gave one more push before the baby was out. They cut the cord and the baby was rushed in a room. Sungmin was smiling with tears in his eyes.

" You're done baby. His out for the world to see" Sungmin said with tears. Ryeowook looked at him and cleaned one of his tears. He was sweating so Sungmin got a mini towel and dried his forehead. Tears kept falling from Sungmin's eyes but he was smiling through.

" I'm so proud of you" Sungmin smiled. " I love you" Sungmin kissed Ryeowook.

Silently, a fan was videotaping the whole thing and grinning evilly. She stopped video taping and stopped watching through the window. Soon, the doctor brought back the baby.

" It's a boy! " He handed Sungmin the baby and with teary eyes, Sungmin looked at him.

" He's beautiful. Like you." Sungmin gave Ryeowook the baby and Ryeowook smiled.

" He takes after you. He haves your nose and your lips and your eyebrows. And your cute little hands." Ryeowook said taking his tiny hands.

"How are we gonna name him?" Sungmin asked.

" Sungwoo. Lee Sungwoo. " Ryeowook said.

"Sungwoo? It sounds gorgeous " Sungmin kissed Ryeowook's forehead and smiled. He then realized that he forgot to call the other's.

" Sungmin! Where in the hell were you?! " Leeteuk asked angrily.

" Ryeowook just gave birth. It's a boy" Sungmin said tearing up again.

" We'll be right there" Leeteuk said. They came 20 minutes later.

" What's his name?" Heechul asked.

" Lee Sungwoo " Ryeowook answered.

" He's so precious!" Kyuhyun said.

" And I want you guys to be the godfather's. " Ryewook said. Everybody smiled and nodded.

" Congrats! He's so cute!" Donghae said.

" You want to grab him?" Ryeowook asked.

" Oh, no no no no. It's ok." Donghae said.

" Come on" Ryeowook said. Donghae took Sungwoo in his arms and smiled.

" He's so calm" Donghae said.

" He is. He's a premature for 3 days" Ryeowook said.

" I want to carry him!" Heechul said and Donghae gave him Sungwoo.

" I'm next!" Yesung said. Soon, Sungwoo passed the whole room and everybody got to carry him. At the end, it ended at Sungmin's hands. He had tears in his eyes. He didn't know why but he couldn't stop crying. He handed him back to Ryeowook and kissed his cheek.

In three days, they were able to go back to their house. They were surprised to see that in the living room, there were baby decorations and baby toys and stuff. Donghae and Eunhyuk were sharing a room and Donghae's ex- room which is across Sungmin's and Ryeowook's room, was now a nursery. The room was blue and yellow and there was a carriage in the closet and a car seat. There was nailed to the wall, a diaper changer. There was a baby crib with blue sheets and a play area where the baby could play.

" Guys. You didn't have to do this" Ryeowook said.

" Yes we did. Otherwise, you would have moved out. I hope you guys like it" Leeteuk said.

" Like it? We love it!" Ryeowook said.

"Thank you guys" Sungmin said. The guys left the room so Ryeowook lied Sungwoo in his crib. Sungmin hugged him from behind and kissed his neck.

" It's wonderful. Starting my life with you. It's just....so surreal and wonderful " Sungmin said. Ryeowook turned around and kissed Sungmin. They started kissing deeper so they walked to their room. Closing the door behind them. They were about to do it but Sungmin stopped.

" Wait...What if you get pregnant again? We never used condoms before" Sungmin said.

" Aah! Damn it!" Ryeowook said. He looked in the nightstand looking for his socks when he found a box. He opened it and found another box but it was condoms and then a stick note.

Don't want you getting pregnant again so soon!- SJ Friends

Ryeowook silently thanked them and handed the condom to him. Sungmin was about to enter him when Sungwoo let out a whine.

" I guess this is gonna happen alot now" Ryeowook said. They dressed up and went to Sungwoo's room to find him sleeping.

" Go to the living room. I'll deal with this" Sungmin said. Ryeowook nodded and kissed his cheek and left the room, walking to the living room.

Sungmin cradled him and started singing Story. Sungwoo fell asleep and Sungmin went to the living room after lying him down in his crib again. Sungmin grabbed his phone to see a video sent to him.

He sat next to Ryeowook so they started watching it together.

" Kim Ryeowook and Lee Sungmin seen yesterday on Local Seoul Hospital. "

To be continued...

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