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Ryeowook was out to buy some food. He was at the market, buying fresh vegetables when a stockman walked in behind him.

" I've got the freshest of the vegetables in my truck. Come see them" He said from behind.

" No thank you" Ryeowook said and kept walking. The stockman took his hand and pulled him out of the market and to the back of his truck. The stockman took Ryeowook's clothes off and then his.

" Please no. No...I've got a fiance and a kid. Please, I'm pregnant " Ryeowook pleaded. Crying.

" Shut up" The man said as he pushed his cock inside Ryeowook.

" Please. Stop! I beg you! I'll give you money" Ryeowook cried but he didn't stop he went harder and harder. Soon, more man came taking off their clothes and all started to touch Ryeowook while he cried and hoped for it to end soon. He tried to escape but there was like 5 of them and only a pregnant Ryeowook.

At the end, the man threw Ryeowook out of the truck while the truck just drived off. Ryeowook picked himself off the floor and saw that he was bleeding. Both his face and down there. He picked himself off the floor and tried to walk home. Once he did. He turned on the shower and sat in the tub while the water fell on him and the tub filled itself.

He stayed there for long but he didn't know how long he stayed there. Soon, someone came and opened the door.

" Ryeowook? " Sungmin said. He saw Ryeowook on the corner of the bathtub. Shivering and sobbing. His hands were hugging his knees. " Ryeowook! What are you doing?" Sungmin asked. He emptied the bathtub and turned off the shower. He took the towel and wrapped it around Ryeowook's body. "Ryeowook baby. What happened?" Sungmin carried Ryeowook to their bedroom and sat him down in the bed. Ryeowook shivered and holds the towel tightly around his body. Sungmin looks to the ground and saw blood and then looks at Ryeowook and saw his face. His cheek had a scar.

" Honey, what happened? " Sungmin asked worried but Ryeowook didn't answer. He just looked at him with sad eyes. "Ryeowook, you're worrying me" Ryeowook lied down in bed, his back facing Sungmin. Sungmin sighed and covered Ryeowook's body with a blanket even though he was still clutching the towel. Sungmin left the room and turned off the light and silently, a tear fell from Ryeowook's eye.

Ryeowook woke up scared, he barely slept. Memories kept flashing back. He put some underwear on and opened the door from his room and looked around suddenly he heard a man talk and quickly, shut the door and runs to the corner, hugging his knees and swinging himself back in forth. He lies his head in his knees and stares at the door. Sungmin who quickly noticed, ran to the room but when he opened the door, Ryeowook screamed and covered his eyes and started to cry.

" Ryeowook, Ryeowook. It's me. Sungmin" Sungmin assured. Ryeowook looked up and looked deep in Sungmin's eyes. Once he did. He hugged him tight and cried.

"Ryeowook please tell me what happened. Please" Sungmin pleaded. Ryeowook sobbed and shook this head. "Come on. Let me make you some tea" Sungmin stood Ryeowook up and tried to get him out of the room but Ryeowook just cried and shook his head.

" No. No. Please no" Ryeowook cried.

" Come on baby please. Nothing's gonna happen. This is your home" Sungmin assured and Ryeowook shook his head but finally Sungmin managed to get him out the door. He sat him down in the living room while he got the tea.

" Hi, Ryeowook " Eunhyuk said and Ryeowook winced. "What's wrong?" Eunhyuk asked and sat next to Ryeowook but Ryeowook scootched farther. "What? Do I stink?" Eunhyuk asked. Soon, Yesung, Kyuhyun, Heechul and Siwon came and sat around Ryeowook.

" What's wrong, Ryeowook? You're doing ok?" Kyuhyun asked.

" Oh My God! Ryeowook you're bleeding! " Yesung asked.

"Guys. Leave Ryeowook alone. Here's your tea" Sungmin said and handed Ryeowook a cup of hot Chamille Tea. With shaky hands, he took a sip.

" Sungmin. Ryeowook is bleeding " Yesung said.

" What? Where?" Sungmin asked worried.

" Down there" Yesung pointed. Sungmin got on his knees and tried to check but Ryeowook closed his legs quickly.

" Come on baby. Let me check " Sungmin assured and Ryeowook slowly opened his legs. Sungmin saw a small spot of blood and gasped.

" Rye-Ryeowook..." Sungmin said and looked at him. "Are you ok? Is the baby ok? Do you feel pain?" Sungmin asked and Ryeowook shook his head. Sungmin took the cup of tea out of his hands and set it on the table. He took Ryeowook's shaky hand and looked straight at his eyes.

"Ryeowook...were you, were you umm..." Sungmin stuttered. Ryeowook nodded and started to cry. Sungmin gasped and hugged him. " I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" Sungmin sobbed. Ryeowook shook his head and hugged Sungmin tighter.

In the next few weeks, Ryeowook stayed at home and visit a psychologist through the internet. It wasn't easy for him to talk but he tried. He feared going out and Sungmin had to be with him all the time. He didn't let the other guys as near and his son could barely see him. He felt so used.

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