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*It's Saturday. Super Junior have a mini tour*

They were already an hour away from home. Ryeowook and Sungmin were cuddled together until Ryeowook ran to the bathroom. Sungmin followed him and rubbed his back. When Ryeowook was done, he washed his mouth with the mouthwash he was carrying around.

" Ryeowook, It's been days. You need to go to a doctor" Sungmin said.

" I'm ok. It's just...Food poisoning " Ryeowook said sitting down where they were before.

" Ryeowook... you know it's not food poisoning. We're gonna get you checked out before the concert and that's final" Sungmin said. Ryeowook groaned and nodded.

The concert was going to start in an hour and Ryeowook just got checked out. He was going to receive the phone call any minute.

Sungmin was doing his solo " For Tomorrow " When he got the call.

" Ryeowook. We've checked everything. The results are that you're pregnant. Congratulations. I just send you an email where you should go for your daily checkouts and checkups. I have to go now. Good luck!" The doctor said and hung up. Ryeowook stayed there, dumbfounded. How was he going to tell Sungmin? Or Super Junior? He is going to have to quit for 9 months and then hire a babysitter? No wait. The baby has to be at least 1 years old to get a babysitter. God! What is he going to do?! He just ruined his and Sungmin's future! Oh Lord! What if Sungmin's breaks up with him!

Those thoughts ran into his mind. He ran to the bathroom and cried for what seemed like an hour. Someone knocked the door and he opened it, cleaning his tears.

" Ryeowookie, what's wrong? Did you receive the call already?" Sungmin asked. Ryeowook nodded and they hugged.

" I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Ryeowook said. " I didn't know!"

" Ryeowook-shii. Please calm down. What are you talking about" Sungmin asked worried.

" I'm pregnant, Sungmin! " Ryeowook said and sobbed. " I'm sorry!"

" Ssshh...It's ok. But come on, we have to tell SJ" Sungmin said and they went to where all of the guys were.

" Guys, we have some news" Sungmin said nervously.

" Wait, not now. We have to go" Leeteuk pulled them to the stage where they were about to sing, 'Marry U' Through the whole song, Sungmin and Ryeowook gave each other worried looks and sad glances.

They all went backstage and they sat down.

" So...What's the news?" Leeteuk asked.

" Well...We're pregnant. Ryeowook just received the call" Sungmin said.

" Oh My God" They all said in unison.

" Congratulations " Heechul and Yesung said at the same time. They went and hugged them and soon, they all joined in the hug.

" Well, Ryeowook this is going to be your last tour. You're going to have a break for 13 months and then Sungmin, when Ryeowook gives birth, you too are going to take a break. But we're going to have to tell the fans and hide Ryeowook's pregnancy for as long as we can" Leeteuk said. " Now go. You guys are performing 'Story'

" Thank you, Leeteuk " Sungmin said, they ran to their positions and started singing.

At the end of the song, they hugged each other and walked away. When the concert was over, all of SJ stood in the stage.

" Guys. We have some news" Leeteuk said.

" Ryeowook is going to leave SJ for 13 months and so is Sungmin " Donghae said and all the fans were surprised.

" I love you guys and we'll be back before you know it" Ryeowook said optimistically. Ryeowook expected for boo's but all the fans started chanting 'I love you, Ryeowook and Sungmin '

Ryeowook started to cry so Sungmin hugged him. All the fans cheered.

The tour was over and Ryeowook wished it could have been a little longer but it wasn't. They had to tell the news 10 times in different countries.

When they got home, Ryeowook sat on the couch. Sungmin saw him and hugged him, Ryeowook couldn't hold it anymore. He sobbed in Sungmin's chest for what seemed like the hundred time.

Sungmin hushed him and said thing's in his ear like ' I love you' ' It's going to be alright ' And this baby is going to be beautiful like you'

" I'm sorry, Sungmin. I'm sorry my body messed up! I'm sorry I ruined your future. I'm sorry that I'm such an idiot!" Ryeowook said.

" Hey, hey, hey. You are NOT an idiot. And you didn't ruin my future, you probably made it better. There's nothing wrong with your body and it definitely didn't mess up. I love you Ryeowook and without you, there wouldn't be a me" Sungmin said honestly. " I don't know what I would do without you Ryeowook. Without you...I'm just not me"

Ryeowook smiled and hugged him. They were lucky that they had each other.

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