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The next day, Ryeowook lied in his bed confused. After he came home, he didn't call or text Sungmin telling him he was ok and he arrived home safe. He was so confused. He always liked girls. But with Sungmin, he was so confused. He liked Sungmin a lot. Maybe a little bit too much. He liked that Sungmin protected him and made him feel safe but something in him say that this is wrong. Boys suppose to like girls. Boys suppose to enjoy girls but with Sungmin...It's so complicated.
He heard a knock on the door and thinking it was his parents, he opened the door and it was Sungmin's friend Kyunhyun and Heechul. Ryeowook found that weird.With what Sungmin said, Kyunhyun was always with Yesung and Heechul was always with Kibum or Hangeng.

"Umm...Hi?" Ryeowook said.

" Hey, Wookie. May we come in?" Heechul asked.

" Sure" Ryeowook stepped aside and Kyunhyun and Heechul entered his house. "May I ask what are you guys doing here?"

" We know how you're feeling " Heechul said.

" What are you talking about?" Ryeowook asked sitting down across them.

" Because Sungmin kissed you, you're confused about your feelings " Kyunhyun said and Ryeowook looked at them with a surprised expression. How did they know?

" I know what you're thinking 'How do they know' Well we know because we passed through it. Well I did. Yesung and Kyu always been oblivious around each other" Heechul said.

" Yeah. We're here to say that it works out just don't stop talking to Sungmin " Kyunhyun said seriously.

" Why not?" Ryeowook asked.

" Because you will regret it and then he will regret kissing you" Heechul said.

" Will it be so bad if he regrets kissing me? I mean we're both boys! This shouldn't happen between two boys!" Ryeowook said.
" Yes because we all know Sungmin and to try to forget you, he does some pretty stupid stuff. Ryeowook, you're Sungmin's only exception. He liked girls until he met you. He said there's no one else like you. That he won't like anyone else except for you. And we all know he's serious when he says that" Kyunhyun explained.

" Ryeowook, we're not telling you to date him, just talk to him and everything works out" Heechul said. " Ok. I better go. But listen to what we said, considerate it at least."

" Now change. Sungmin it's on his way" Kyunhyun said. They left a second later and Ryeowook changed to presentable clothes at the exact time Sungmin came.

" Ryeowookie! " Sungmin said surprised.

" Sungmin-shii! Please come inside" Ryeowook said and Sungmin entered the house.

" Ryeowook...I'm sorry for kissing you yesterday. I know that it was unexpected and I'm sorry" Sungmin said. You could tell in his eyes that it was hard for him to say that.

" You're right. It was unexpected. But don't be sorry. Don't ever be sorry. I know I didn't regret anything. And I hope you don't either " Ryeowook said. Sungmin stared at him surprised. He didn't expect for Ryeowook to feel that way. They both leaned in for a well wanted kiss. Sungmin put his arms around Ryeowook's waist and Ryeowook put his arms around Sungmin's neck. They both kept kissing until Sungmin's phone rang.

Sungmin sighed and checked.

" Something's wrong " Sungmin said. He grabbed Ryeowook's hand and they ran out of the house. They went to Heechul's house and everybody was there.

" What's wrong? " Ryeowook asked. Sungmin and Ryeowook got closer and saw that Heechul was crying and Hangeng was hugging him.

" What happened? " Sungmin asked.

" I don't know. He still hasn't said" Leeteuk said worried. Sungmin kneeled in front of Heechul and put his hand on his knee. Heechul looked at him and sniffed.

" What's wrong, hyung? We're all here for you" Sungmin said.

" Kibum broke up with me and he says he's not going to be on Super Junior and he's going to this be on this group called Shine or Shinee or whatever." Heechul said sobbing.

" Did he say why he broke up with you?" Sungmin asked.

" Because he thinks I'm spending too much time with you guys and not enough time with him " Heechul said still crying.

" It's ok, Chul. It's going to be ok. Where is he now?" Sungmin asked.
" He's at the basketball thing with his 'new friends and girlfriend ' Why would he do this to me?" Heechul said and hugged Hangeng, sobbing in his shoulder harder. Hangeng just hugged him and said cute things to him.

Sungmin ran out of the house, still holding Ryeowook's hand. They ran all the way to the Basketball Court and interrupted the basketball game.

" Kibum! " Sungmin exclaimed angrily. Before Ryeowook could catch him, Sungmin was running to Kibum and punched his face.

" Sungmin! " Ryeowook ran to Sungmin and pulled him away from Kibum. He was already bleeding and had a few bruises.

" You assbutt! How dare you hurt, Heechul! Don't you know how hurt he is?! Don't you dare come near him or us ever again" Sungmin said with anger in his voice.

" Sungmin-shii.. Please calm down" Ryeowook said and with a look to Ryeowook's face was all he needed for him to relax and calm down. Sungmin turned around and faced Ryeowook. " Let's go" Sungmin said and grabbed Ryeowook's hand and they both went back to Ryeowook's house.

They were lying on the couch, Ryeowook lying on top of Sungmin.
" That was really brave for you to defend Heechul like that" Ryeowook said.

" Just so you know, I will do that for you. Anytime, anywhere, to any person that touches you" Sungmin said, touching Ryeowook hair and caressing in back even though it flops back to his forehead.

" I like it...That you make me feel safe" Ryeowook smiled. Sungmin smiled back at him and Ryeowook got closer to his face, their noses were touching. Their foreheads were touching too ,their lips were slightly touching. They were almost there until they heard a knock. They both didn't move until they heard it again. Ryeowook got off of Sungmin and went to answer the door.

" Umma? Uppa? " Ryeowook asked surprised.

" Hyung, who's at the door?" Sungmin asked standing behind him, putting his head on Ryeowook's shoulder. He saw who it was and quickly, took his head off of his shoulder.

"Ryeowook's parents! Hi! " Sungmin said.

" Hey, Ryeowook who's this?" Ryeowook's mother asked.

" Umma, this is my best friend, Lee Sungmin." Ryeowook said. " Umma, Uppa, what are you guys doing here?"

" Well...we came by to say hi. We thought you'd be excited. We need to go fast. Our next meeting will be in China" She said.

" Wookie! I see you made a friend " Ryeowook's dad said.

" Yeah. My first friend ever" Ryeowook said.

" We better go hon" Ryeowook's dad said. " Take care"

" You too" Ryeowook said and shut the door.

"Your mom looks alot like you! I know where you get your good looks from" Sungmin said surprised.

" Yeah. Thanks" Ryeowook said. " Let's just call it a day. It's been pretty exhausting. "

"Yeah. I guess I need to go" Sungmin said about to leave but Ryeowook grabbed his arm.

" No. Please stay" Ryeowook said. Sungmin smiled and nodded. They both went to Ryeowook's room and lied down. Ryeowook lied his head on Sungmin's chest and closed his eyes, hearing Sungmin breathing relaxed him and it made it easier for him to sleep.

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