Never can say Goobye

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*3 months later* *Sungmin's haves to go to Military Service *

" I'm going to miss you Sungmin. I'm not sure if I can be without you" Ryeowook said. Sungwoo was sleeping on his shoulder.

" I'm going to miss you too. Make sure Sungwoo doesn't forget about me" Sungmin smiled.

" Goodbye, Soldier. I love you" Ryeowook kissed Sungmin's cheek.

" I love you too" He kissed Ryeowook's lips softly and then Sungwoo's forehead.

Sungmin left and Ryeowook watched him leave. A tear falling from his eye while he did. When there wasn't a trace of Sungmin, Ryeowook headed home and lied Sungwoo in his crib. He watched him sleeping for awhile and admired how much like Sungmin he looked, he was going to be a real lady killer.

He actually was thankful that he looked alot like Sungmin. He didn't want Sungwoo to look like him when his other father was a hot piece of ass.

Ryeowook smiled at his craziness and at how much he missed Sungmin already. He went to his bedroom and sat on the bed. So many memories filled his head while he lied down. He smelled the bed and the sheets and just everything smelled like Sungmin.

This days were going to be hard.


*5 months later*

Dear, Sungmin;
I've been wondering about you for awhile now and about how you were doing. I've been doing great and so is Sungwoo. He just said his first word: Dada! His calling out for you! See he misses you already! Just like me. Anyways, write me back. I love you.

Your dearie,


*Three months later*

Dear, Ryeowook;
Hi honey! Been a while huh? Just writing to say that I'm doing good too I guess. I miss you and Sungwoo too! How's he looking? Is he looking alot like you?! I hope so! Send me a picture of you and him. Here's a picture of me.



*5 weeks later*

Dear, Sungmin;
Happy New Years! It's been a year already. 2016. It feels weird. Sungwoo just took his first steps and said his first sentence. 'I miss daddy uppa.' Surprising huh? I'm videotaping it all so you don't miss out on anything. Anyways, here's a picture of us!

Your dearie,


*6 months later*

Dear, Sungmin;
Hey. It's been 6 months since last time you wrote to me. I'm really worried now and I hope you're doing ok. I'm not doing so good. Sungwoo just got in an accident. He fell from the couch and hit himself hard. Don't worry, he's doing okay now. He's getting some headaches though. Anyways. PLEASE! Write back. Tell me you're ok. Don't leave me alone just yet. I still need you. FIGHTING!

Your dearie,

Ryeowook sent the letter a day ago and he was really worried about Sungmin. He hasn't heard of him in a while. There was a knock on the door so he went and answered it. There were some cops.

" Hey. You're Lee Sungmin's family? " The dark skinned officer asked.

" Yes. What's wrong?"....


* 7 months later*

Dear, Sungmin;
It's been a year and a half since the officer's told me you were dead. It's so surreal. I can't believe that you would just leave me like that. Sungwoo still haves no idea that you're gone forever and I don't know when to tell him. Honestly, I'm a little scared of his reaction and if he gets mad at me for not being able to protect you. But he's still your baby and he deserves to know. Sungmin, I miss you so so so much. And I wish you hadn't left me. I wish I can take back the day you left me. The officers said that they haven't found your body but they said you were very brave and that you died saving 5 officers. You saved them all! I'm so proud of you! I know this sounds mean, but I wish you didn't save them. If you didn't get in that house, it would have never exploded you. But at least you died like a hero. I love you and you're in a better place now. Lee Sungmin, FIGHTING!

Your dearie,


Sungwoo didn't know, but Ryeowook was depressed. He felt like crap and none of his clothes fit him anymore. He didn't ate and all of his clothes were a little baggy. He had dark circles under his eyes and some fans were worried of him. But it was year 2017. 3 years have passed since he left for military service and 2 years since he died. He just wished that Sungmin was still alive, save and sound...

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