Pain he must be feeling

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Ryeowook sat in his toilet with pregnancy test in his hands. His hands were shaking nervously. In 60 seconds it will tell him if he's pregnant or not.


He sighed in relief and ran out of the bathroom. Sungmin was currently talking to Leeteuk and ShinDong. Ryeowook ran to him and jumped on his back.

" Negative! Negative! I'm not pregnant! " Ryeowook exclaimed.

" Oh My God! Really? " Sungmin asked.

" Yes! Yes! Yes!" Ryeowook said and kissed his cheek.

" What are you guys talking about?" Leeteuk asked.

" I'm not pregnant! I was so scared that I was! What a relief " Ryeowook said.

"Oh then...Umm....Congrats?" ShinDong said.

" Thank you" Ryeowook said.

"Ok. Guys, we're ready to go" Heechul said coming in the room.

" Honey, Leeteuk,Eunhyuk, ShinDong, Kyuhyun, Heechul and me are going to Kiss The Radio quickly. " Sungmin said to Ryeowook. " It won't take us more than an hour. Or less. Call me if you need anything. Please CALL me. "

" Ok, ok. Love you. Bye"

" Love you too"

They all left in a SMTown van. Their van was in a Car Wash. When they got to Kiss The Radio, Sungmin received a call.

" Just wanted to call you to tell you that everything's ok. Sungwoo just fell asleep and his going to stay asleep for another hour and that I'm on the couch alone. With nothing to do" Ryeowook said.

" Aaw, I wish I was there. I'm good at doing company " Sungmin said. They kept talking until Leeteuk and the others were done from whatever they were doing in Kiss The Radio. When they got to the van, there were alot of fans surrounding it. They all hopped in the van, trying not to push any fans, and the driver started to drive away. Suddenly a fan got in the way and the van tried not to hit her, causing it to get hit with a tree and the car behind the van to hit the van from the side.

Everybody was unconscious.

Sungmin woke up and saw everybody unconscious. He took his phone who was luckily still alive, and called 911. When the woman finally respond, Sungmin was unconscious again.

Leeteuk woke up and looked around. He was in a hospital. He saw ShinDong next to him. He had a cast in his left leg. He saw Kyuhyun who had a tube in his mouth and a lot of machines around him. He looked at Eunhyuk and he had a cast in his hands. He saw Heechul who had also a tube in his mouth, a couple of machines around him and stitches in his left cheek. Sungmin had his face swollen. He had a cast in his neck, he had a tube and his arms and legs were bruised.

Leeteuk looked at himself and he had a cast on his right arm and bruises on his face and a scar that had been freshly put stitches on in his chest. He looked once again to Sungmin's bed and saw Ryeowook was sitting down next to his bed but his head was in the bed. Sungwoo was also sleeping in his carriage.

" Ryeowook-shii? " Leeteuk said. His voice was raspy and rough. Ryeowook quickly got his head out of the bed and looked at Sungmin and slowly to Leeteuk's bed.

"Hi Teukie. How are you?" Ryeowook asked.

" I'm good, I guess. How are you holding up? You look horrible "

" Thanks. I've been 'good' This last few days it's been...Peachy. Everybody's worried about you guys"

" Days? How long have we been here?"

" For about a month, I guess. I'm not sure. You're the first to wake up. Well no, Kyuhyun woke up but that doesn't count. He can't stay awake awake for more than 5 minutes "

" What happened to Sungmin? His face is all swollen and there's bruises all in his arms and legs"

" Oh. The doctor said there must have been something that he must have been allergic to. Like a bee or something. But Sungmin is only allergic to ants so I guess an ant bit him or something. His throat got all swollen and he couldn't breath. The paramedics came just in time. He also got a few broken ribs and a metal went through his leg so he has stitches there. Luckily, it didn't hit any critical area."

" What about the others? "

" Well ShinDong only broke his left leg so he's gonna wear a cast for a while. Kyuhyun, well he's... In a critical condition. He, I can't explain but he's gonna go to surgery in 2 days and still there's 15% of him surviving.Eunhyuk broke his hands. Heechul. He broke his leg completely so they had to put like a tube or nail or whatever it's called in his leg. And you...You needed a new kidney so I gave it to you and your right arm is broken."

" You gave me your kidney?"

" Yeah" Ryeowook opened his button up shirt to show a scar in his chest. Leeteuk gasped and Ryeowook walked to Sungmin's bed and touched his face slightly. "I wonder if he can hear me? Do you think he can hear me? I used to speak to him. His face was so swollen. The doctors called him a fat pig who ate an apple he was allergic to. His head has been getting back to normal a bit. " Ryeowook kissed Sungmin's lips, his lips felt cold against Ryeowook's warm ones. Suddenly a man. A handsome man came with two cups of coffee.

" Ryeowook-shii. Hi!" The man said.

"Eunsung!" Ryeowook walked to him and he greeted Ryeowook with a kiss on his cheek. He gave Ryeowook a cup of coffee and Leeteuk gasped.

" Leeteuk. This is Eun Geun Sung. Eunsung, this is Leeteuk "

" Hello. Nice to meet you" Eunsung said. " I have to go. See you tomorrow? "

" You betcha" Ryeowook blushed. Eunsung smiled and winked. Running out of the room.

"Ryeowook. What, how, when?" Leeteuk stuttered.

" Relax. We're just friends and I doubt that something will happen. I love Sungmin too much"

" But, Ryeowook... Don't you feel like you're doing something wrong? Does he know you're a father and that Sungmin is your fiancé

" He knows that I'm a father and that I have a fiancé he doesn't know is Sungmin. Besides, Sungmin did something way much worse to me" Ryeowook said. Leeteuk stared at him confused. "He left me. For a month. He didn't even warn me. And that's just unfair. He told me that he was going to Kiss The Radio. How can he do this to me?!" Ryeowook sobbed. He fell on his knees and cried. Leeteuk tried to stand up but he couldn't. Ryeowook sobbing walked to Sungmin's bed and hugged him.

" Sungmin oppa! I Love you!" Ryeowook sobbed. Ryeowook sobbed and fell asleep soon. Hugging Sungmin. Leeteuk now realized how horrible Ryeowook looked. His eyes were red and puffy, dark circles under his eyes and he looked very tired. He mustn't imagine the pain he must be feeling...

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