I will protect you

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"Yah! Kim Ryeowook! Where's your giraffe? Did he cheat on you" A boy said. Ryeowook did his best to ignored the ignorant people that always made of fun of him.

"What about your boyfriend? Did he finally met another person that was better than you. I mean look at you! You're a mess!" They all laughed and Ryeowook ran, tears filling his eyes. He ran to the bathroom and locked himself in the biggest stall, and bringing his legs to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and sobbing.

"Have you seen Ryeowook? Have you seen Ryeowook? " Sungmin asked. He walked to every student in the hallway and hasn't found Ryeowook anywhere. He was starting to grow insane. He ran to the bathroom and splashed water in his face when he heard soft sobs from a stall.

"Hello?" He called. The sobs couldn't be heard as Ryeowook tried to keep silence. "Who's there? Are you ok?"

"Leave me alone" Ryeowook said.

"Wook ah?" Sungmin asked. He tried to open the stall but it was closed. "Ryeowook let me in"

"Leave. Hyung please" Ryeowook pleaded.

"Ryeowook, please tell me what's wrong" Sungmin said. "Let me protect you"

"Please" Ryeowook repeated. Sungmin sighed and leaned against the stall.

"Ok, I'll leave if it makes you happy just please tell me you'll be ok" Sungmin said.

"I'll be ok" Ryeowook replied. Sungmin bit his lip and left.

For the whole week, Ryeowook avoided Sungmin. He avoided everyone. Even teachers who he was usually so polite to. Every time the teacher asked him to answer a question he would shrug or say that,he didn't know even if it was a lie. They even threatend to call the principal or semd him to detention and he would simply nod. But they never brought themselves to do it, Ryeowook was just too good to be true.

"Mr. Lee, may I please talk to you alone" The math teacher, Mrs. Choi asked.

"Yes ma'am. " He walked to her desk and sat down in the nearest chair.

"Mr. Lee. We've been noticing something different about Ryeowook's behavior. He has somehow shut down from the world and he's not like that. So please...Can you please stay away from him. Mr. Kim is a good student and his just not himself "

"You're asking me, Lee Sungmin his only friend, to stop talking to Kim Ryeowook just because he's a little more silent?" Sungmin said with a tint of attitude in his voice. He huffed and chortled. What was up with teachers this days?

"Listen Mr. Lee. It's not like that at all" She chuckled. "It's his grades-"

"No you listen to me. 'Mr. Kim' has been struggling with bullies all his life and what have you teachers done about it? Huh? Nothing! You guys sat around, joked and laughed but truth to be told, when you see a kid being pushed around you do nothing. NOTHING! " Sungmin spat. "And now that I'm trying to do something to help. Something that none of you 'teachers' has done, you're trying to stop me from talking to him."

"Mr. Lee. Lower your voice" Mrs. Choi ordered.

"No. I won't. It's unfair. It's unfair to me and to Ryeowook. Since when have you people teached us kids to pick education over friendship and love? Since when?!" He said standing up from his seat. "And I won't stand a minute of it. So no. I'm not gonna stop talking to my friend, Kim Ryeowook "

"Sungmin..." The teacher said but he had already stormed away. Ryeowook, who was listening to the whole conversation felt worse about himself. He didn't want to cause all this trouble. He ran to an empty classroom and sat down in one of the chairs. He silently sobbed, his head in his hands as he lets it all out. He can no longer let it all in, he was so weak nowadays.

"Wookie...Why have you been avoiding me?" Sungmin asked putting his hand on his back. Ryeowook stood up quickly and faced him.

"Do me a favor and stop talking to me, ok? I just can't handle this" Ryeowook wept.

"Wookie...Did you happen to hear my and Mrs. Choi conversation? " Sungmin concluded after a second of silence.

"Yes but this has nothing to do with it!" Ryeowook fought.

"Yes it does because you think you are getting me in trouble when it's not true. I love you Kim Ryeowook. And I will not stop talking to you. " Sungmin said. He hugged him and Ryeowook hugged him back with tears in his eyes.

"Why? You just met me yesterday " Ryeowook sobbed.

"Because it's just that from the moment I saw you, I just knew" Sungmin answered. Ryeowook hid his blushing face in the crook of his neck. He felt butterflies in his stomach but he just didn't knew why.

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