36.Grace & Isabella (12)

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You walk out from one huge room to another that looks mostly the same, the only difference there is in this one is that there's plants near some of the doors. The door behind you opens again and when you turn around to check, you see the same pink haired girl walk in to the room. She smiles and waves her hand to you and you do the same. She then closes her eyes and concentrates on something, within seconds you hear a few doors unlock on each side, few minutes later and she almost unlocked every door. You walk to the door closest to you and open it just to find another slave waiting near it. She looks you in the eyes at first, then at your clothes and then back at your eyes again.

???: "Who are you?"

Isabella: "You don't need to worry, we came to rescue all of you."

???: "So, I'm....free?"

Isabella: "Yes."

You walk out of her way as she hesitantly gets out of the room.

Grace: "Before you go, I need you to let everyone else know that their free, can you do that?"

The girl quickly nods and instantly gets to her task.

Grace: "We've waisted enough time Isabella, try not to distract yourself with anything else."

You follow behind her while walking through a couple more rooms that look identical to one another. You were sure that if you were alone, you would get lost pretty fast cause the place almost looked like a maze and these were only the first rooms that you saw.

Grace: "I was told that the guards here know the layout of this place like the back of their hand."

Isabella: "Slaves here barely have a chance to escape."

Grace: "And that's why there's so few guards here, but..."

Grace seems uneasy about something.

Isabella: "But?"

Suddenly you pick up a weird scent, it was nice but at the same time it was making your mind lose all reason.

Grace: "Something is not right here, there should be a few guards here unless... their doing the ritual."

You remember that the maid mentioned something about a ritual going on but didn't go in to detail on what it was about.

Grace: "We have to follow this scent and save whoever's suffering from this."

She then takes your hand and starts to run into the direction of the scent. You probably ran through 20 rooms and finally they were starting to differ. You were ready to give up if this door didn't have anything behind it. Grace opened the door and FINALLY there were stairs leading downstairs and upstairs. There were no other doors, just these stairs unless there was a hidden passage.

You lean against a wall and take deep breaths, Grace on the other hand didn't seem as tired as you were.

Grace: "Hah, and here I thought we got lost for a second there."

Isabella: "I was about t-to give up as well."

Grace: "It's good to know that you can keep up with me but as I said before, we can't waist any more time."

Isabella: "I'll do my best."

Grace's warm hand finds it's way onto your head and starts petting you.

Grace: "Good, now let's go get that guy."

You find yourself a little disappointed when she removes her hand but now wasn't the time for that.

The two of you approach the stairs and as you were about to go downstairs where the smell was, you heard footsteps coming from upstairs.

Grace: "Shit, we'll have to take care of them now so that they don't become a problem later."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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