|Chapter 10| Mabel the brother-sitter|

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3rd Person POV

Stan and Mabel were watching some show named Cash-wheel (which was sponsored by some weird Chipackerz chips. "But they taste just like chips!" Mabel said as she took a bite from her Chipackerz).

Dipper had just walked downstairs to get something to eat when he heard Stan getting excited about the show.

"Yeah! SHOWER!" Stan yelled and Dipper rolled his eyes while smiling.

He could remember when Stan tried forcing Dipper into watching the show, but Dipper just hadn't shown interest.

While Mabel just kind of seemed to be sitting there.

"Mr. Pines! We've got tourists at nine o'clock! A whole bus load of em!" Soos ran into the room.

"Hot tamales, it's a jackpot! Soos, make some new attractions." Stan ordered.

"You got it boss." Soos started gluing random animal parts onto each other.

"Wendy, mark up those prices. The higher the better!" Wendy sighed as she obeyed.

She took a marker from her pocket and set the price up to 20 dollars instead of 2.

"Higher! Bleed em dry!" Stan said. Wendy then sat an extra zero, making the souvenir now cost 200$.

"Yesh grunkle Stan. It's like when you see tourists all you see are wallets with legs." Dipper pointed out.

Well, he wasn't exactly the one to judge. When Dipper saw any human all he saw were useless, stupid, mortal flesh bags.

"That's not true!" Stan said but when he looked out the window and saw a boy asking his parents to go inside the Mystery Shack, Stan's eyes basically turned to dollar signs.

"Sure, you don't." Dipper said sarcastically.

"Stop bothering me and go clean up on the front lawn." Stan ordered.

"There is literally nothing to clean up on the front lawn." Dipper pointed out. He had mowed the lawn two days ago, what else was there to take care of?

"Clean up the porch then." Stan was growing slightly annoyed at Dipper's attitude and Dipper just decided to shut up.

The brunette sighed as he took the mop and bucket. He hated it whenever Stan would get so bossy.

Not that Dipper was a big fan of Stan's in the first place but whenever Stan would get like this Dipper would just wish for him to disappear.

"Whatcha doing Pinetree?" Bill appeared in front of Dipper as he was mopping the porch like Stan had told him to.

"Just mopping." Dipper's voice was dry and a bit monotone.

"Sounds fun." Bill said sarcastically.

"I know, right?"

"What do you say to go out and have fun in the forest instead?" Bill suggested.

"I don't know... i don't want to get in trouble with Stan." Bill gave out a groan.

"C'mon! Ever since Shooting Star got here you don't want to be with me~" Bill crossed his arms.

"Bill, we've talked about this. I don't prefer a human over you. Mabel is just... nice." Dipper said.

He had talked to Bill many times about how he shouldn't get jealous of Mabel. Having Bill as a friend was almost like training a dog sometimes.

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