Chapter 2

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We walked down the road about two blocks and dropped off Max. I did this a lot. I dropped off Max and picked him up. I made him breakfast, lunch and dinner. I would tuck him in at night. And sometimes I felt that I acted more like his mother than his real mother. Our parents are lawyers and their jobs are very time consuming and cause them to travel... a lot.

So I'm like Max's nanny except I live here and don't get paid. I tried asking them if I could be paid and they just said 'But we are paying you. You're being paid with clothes, food and a roof over your head.' There is no point in arguing with them so I gave up.

I knelt down to Max's height and gave him a hug and kissed him on the forehead. "Now don't forget I'm coming to pick you up okay. Also I packed you a surprise in your lunch. And after school if I'm not right here wait for me by that tree." I pointed to the tree with half of it covered in leaves and the other half just showing a dead branch with no leaves on it.

"Okay." He said running into the school.

"Come on we gotta get to school." Alex said. I got up and we started walking. I stayed quiet for most of it until we passed a Dunkin Donuts.

"Hey can we get hot chocolate?" I ask.

"Sure that's fine we have time." He agreed. "I'm paying." He stated. I went to protest but he cut me off before I could.

After we got our Hot Chocolate we started walking again.

"Thank you Alex." I nudged him.

"Anytime Shorty." He laughed. I shook my head. Walking into school we went to our lockers and then split up to go to class. After 2 hours of torture we met back up for lunch.

"Hey shorty, how was class?" Alex asked.

"Torture. As usual." I joked. I picked out a table and waited for Alex to get back with his lunch.

"Hmm not hungry today?" He looked concerned.

"Nah not really I'm not hungry." He nodded but I could tell he was still worried. But I paid it no mind. He was always worried about me. Ever since I met him in 1st grade. He was very protective of me. And if I was bullied he never tolerated it. That's just how our friendship was.

Now he's like my brother. We were always together. Like always even if one of us was sick. We didn't care. We could always talk to each other, no matter what. He was the first one that knew the truth about my 'family'. We know everything about each other.

Most kids at our school think we're dating, just because of how close we are. I sometimes call him green bean (like the green giant because he's taller than me). And he calls me Shorty, Jelly Bean, Munchkin, Sweet pea, Tiny and of course Mikey. Yeah he likes to take advantage of the height difference... a lot. But that's what comes with a 10 year friendship. 10 years. How on Earth did we deal with each other's craziness. 

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