Chapter 20

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*Warning there is semi-intense gore*

*Mickela's POV*

As Caleb and I were walking towards our rooms to get so shut eye, alarms started blaring. Two guards ran up to us.

"Avengers." Caleb and I looked at us. "Suit Up." Caleb and I ran down the hall to the weapons room where my suit was. As I got suited up Caleb grabbed a gun and ammunition and then helped me put my weapons in the proper pockets. 

(Minus the metal arm)

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(Minus the metal arm)

 Before I could say anything there was an explosion. I turned away from Caleb and smiled to myself. I walked over to the door and closed it; confusing Caleb.


"I'm sorry." As I turned to him I took one of my knives and threw it at him and it hit him square in the chest. After a minute he fell and after a minute or two I went to retrieve my knife and confirm that he was dead. He was.

I opened the door and ran out. A few guards tried to stop me so 'I wouldn't be captured' but I just shot at them.

They were here. Thank god. So they did hear the mountain part. Ugh I was so tired of faking. Hydra will regret the day they ever bothered our family. I wanted to go home. I'm still so worried about Peter. I hope he's okay.

As I turned the corner five guards stood in my way.

"Ice! Stand down now or face punishment!"

"My name is Mickela! Not Ice! Move." They didn't budge.I shook my head. "Bad move."

Using the water molecules in their body and I turned the molecules into ice. Then made the ice elongate into spikes that pierced their skin until bursting out of their body. Their lifeless bodies fell to the ground. I smirked and continued forward.

I walked into an open room that branched off in 4 different hallways. The sound of heavy footsteps caught my attention. I turned and as about 25 Hydra agents came running at me I was able to shoot about 15 of them but had to go hand to hand combat with the last 10. After I dropped 9 of them the last Hydra agent charged at me. I focused on every water molecule expanding in his body so suddenly he exploded. Blood and guts splattered everywhere. I, however, was not an exception to that 'everywhere'. I had closed my eyes just in time when the blood splatter on me and my suit.

As I turned my eyes fell upon two men. One held an automatic and the other a shield. They both had a look that read terrified, surprised and relieved.


Before I could stop myself I ran to my dad and as he dropped the gun I jumped into his arms wrapping my arms and legs around him. As I hugged him I started to cry. I was going home. I was finally safe. I would finally be able to be happy.

"We got her" I heard Steve say into the comm unit. As we were about to walk out our path was blocked by more Hydra operatives. Crap. I stepped forward causing water pipes to burst ice shot out and spiked each operative. I started walking forward stepping over the bodies. After noticing I wasn't being followed I stopped. Both Steve and Bucky were staring at me and not so was Natasha, Clint and Wanda.

"If you don't mind I would love to get out of this place. Please." After a few minutes I was sitting on my dad's lap with my arm around his neck and my head in the crook of his neck slowly dozing off. Someone cleared and it caused me to jump, my eyes shot open. My dad went to sooth my hair to try and calm me but the sudden movement caused me to flinch hard. His arm that was holding me close to him tightened pulling me closer.

"Don't worry you're safe now." And with that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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