Chapter 11

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*Bucky's POV*

Steve woke me up when we arrived at the facility. Mickela woke up too and when I went to put her on the stretcher panicked a little so I carried her in. Which if I'm being honest I didn't mind once so ever. I brought her into the medical area and set her down on the bed. I could tell she was very tired, I could see her trying to keep her eyes open. She was also very anxious and jumpy but after what she went through it was understandable. When the doctor came in to patch her up she looked at me as if to read off my emotions. So to put her at ease I gave her a slight smile and nod. Once the doctor left I spoke.

"So um I doubt you want to sleep in any medical room ever again after what you went through huh?" She looked down and nodded and then shivered. He remembered what the room looked like; it was like a hospital surgical room. Except absolutely disgusting. "Yea that's alright. Do you think you can walk?" I asked her, she just shrugged. "Do you want to try?" She nodded. I stood next to her and helped her walk a bit but I soon noticed her knees wobbling and then give out under her. 

However before she could make impact with the floor I had her in my arms. "Hmm... how about some sleep first?" She nodded and laid her head against my chest. I walked her into my room and set her down on my bed, covering her with the blankets. And she was fast asleep in seconds. I smiled down at her and kissed her on the forehead and left the room closing the door behind me.

"How is she doing?" Steve asked; everybody sat on the couch including me.

"She's doing good but um, don't make sudden movements, and if she doesn't answer a question don't take it personal." Everyone nodded. "Also if I'm not here and she's sleeping try to check on her regularly. Just in case of nightmares." Steve nodded. Stark grabbed the remote.

"Okay so we now have a baby Metallica." Stark laughed.

"Tony." Steve sighed.

After a while of watching tv a soft noise caught my attention. Thank god for the super soldier hearing I laughed to myself. It took me a moment to realize where and what the noise was. I jumped up and ran down the hall towards my room. As I opened the door Mickela quickly sat up right screaming alerting the other Avengers. I sat on the bed next to her and pulled her into a hug. She was freezing cold and shaking as she cried on my shoulder.

"It's okay. It was only a dream." I said in a low voice. She started to calm down. They came to the door; Steve left and returned with a water bottle and slowly walked over to her. As he knelt down Mickela held onto me tighter but still looked at him. His eyes went wide and after a moment he took a deep breath and handed her the water.

"Don't worry. You're safe here." He said she sniffled and nodded while taking the water bottle. Steve got up and went up to Banner pulling him to the side. I ignored it. I looked down at the small girl who sat on my lap and saw her rubbing her eyes.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" I asked her and she immediately shook her head no. I nodded. "Oh I almost forgot. I have a surprise for you." Getting up I took her hand and walked her to the recovery area. Her grip tightened around my hand; she was nervous; I opened the door to one of the rooms and let her walk ahead of me. When she saw who was on the bed her face lit up it warmed my heart. She ran to the man on the bed and hugged him.

"Alex! Oh my god! I thought you were dead! They... they shot you and-"

"I'm okay Mick." He interrupted hugging her again. "Dang girl you're colder than usual. You coming down with something?" He asked slightly concerned.

"I'm not cold." She said touching her hand to her face. "If anything I'm warm." I cocked my head to the side.

"Hey Mickela?" She looked at me. "I apologize for making you relive this but um... did they inject you with anything?" She thought for a moment.

"They did when we were in the car to knock me out. And..." she rubbed her arms. "When they were torturing me... I-um-I think so. Why?" I nodded.

"Stay put okay. I'm gonna get Banner and all he's gonna do is take some blood. That's it. Is that alright with you?" She nodded. I left to go find Banner.

"So what's going on?" Banner asked rather annoyedly. Steve followed.

"I think Hydra injected her with something. Alex said she was freezing cold. But she said she was actually really warm."

"They definitely did something to her. When she had the nightmare and she was crying; when I handed her the water her eyes were bluer than before." Steve said; I stopped walking.

"Really?" Banner asked. Steve nodded. As we entered the room Alex looked toward us. Mickela was lying on the bed sound asleep next to him. Her head rested on his chest and her arm rested across his chest and her hand on his shoulder. I smiled.

"Mickela?" Alex shook her a little, waking her up. "They're back." She nodded and sat up. Banner walked over to her.

"Okay so all I'm gonna do is take some blood okay." He explained. "It's kinda like getting a shot except it's gonna stay there for just a minute okay?" She nodded and held out her arm. When he pressed the needle into her arm she barely flinched. Once he had enough blood he cleaned up her arm."Do you want a lollipop?" He joked. She smiled. Steve, Alex and I shook our heads. Banner walked out towards the lab.

"Okay so we'll leave you two to catch up." I said turning to walk out behind Steve.

"Wait." Mickela called. Steve and I turned towards the two. Mickela quickly got up off the bed; wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.

"Thank you for saving me and Alex." I hugged her back.

"Of course Mickey." My voice was just above a whisper. When we pulled away she hugged Steve and went back to Alex. Still smiling I followed Steve out of the room.

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