Chapter 17

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*Trigger Warning Intense*

*Peter's POV*

When I woke up it was pitch black. Everything hurt; my head, ribs, face. And worst of all Mickela was gone she was in the hands of those...those...monsters. What am I gonna tell Bucky? How could I tell Bucky?

Slowly I got up and started the rest of the walk to the tower. When I got in the elevator I felt my heart rate go up. I selected the button for the penthouse and leaned up against the wall of the elevator holding my ribs. I felt something drip down the side of my face and I wiped it off thinking it was sweat but when I moved my hand I saw blood on my hand. Great.

When the door opened it was like my legs gave out under me. I went stumbling into the kitchen. I heard someone enter the Kitchen. I froze. Please don't be Bucky.

"Oh hey Peter." Steve's voice called out. I looked at him when he saw my state, his smile disappeared and was replaced with confusion and concern. "Peter?! What happened? Are you alright?" I guess Bucky heard the commotion cause he came in next.

"Peter?! Oh my god are you okay?!" I couldn't hold it in anymore my knees gave out and I fell on the floor.

"Tony! Come here quick! It's Peter!" Steve yelled. As everyone entered the kitchen I spoke through my sobs.

"Bucky. I'm so sorry. I--- I couldn't---" The pain in my ribs spiked. Bucky knelt down in front of me.

"Peter." He looked into my eyes. "Where's Mickela." I could hear the panic and fear in his voice.

"They took her." I cried. He didn't budge. "I tried. I promise I tried. But they caught me off guard. I'm so sorry. I'm so---Ah!" I cried out again as the pain in my ribs spiked again. Bucky noticed and picked me up and carried me to the elevator.

"Somebody get the button. And somebody track down the idiots who did this." tony hit the button and the door opened

"Idiots? Why are they idiots." Natasha asked.

"Cause they were stupid enoughto try and run." he said entering the elevator. "Cause I'm not gonna stop until they are dead and I have my daughter back." Mr. Stark came in the elevator along with Bruce and Steve.

After a Bucky put me on the hospital bed and Bruce was done examining me he came back in and stood next to Steve. I was still crying. I couldn't meet his gaze. It killed me everytime.

"I'm so sorry. I should've fought harder. But they took me off guard. I was too slow, too distracted. And because of me she's--" I was interrupted by Bucky pulling me into a hug.

"It's okay Peter. You did as best you could. We're gonna get her back, that's all that matters okay. I promise you we will get her back." with that I cried more. It was all my fault. I could've done more. I should've done more.

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