Chapter 13

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*Mickela's POV*

As we ran down the stairs the sound of shouting and guns filled our ears. Before we opened the door to the medical floor a hydra agent grabbed Bucky's arm. As he fought them back he called to me; "Go! Run!" I opened the door and nearly had a coronary. Three hydra agents stood in front of me. They raised their guns and on instinct I raised my arms up.

"Wait!" I screamed, closing my eyes. A wave of cold air rushed through me. I heard pipes break and water running. And then nothing. I opened my eyes to see the guns falling out of their hands as they fell over shards of ice embedded in their now lifeless bodies. And the pipe that the water came from was frozen. I started to cry. I kill them. The door flung open revealing Bucky. I ran into his arms. He didn't budge.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I cried. Something was off. He was just standing there. As stiff as a board. "Bucky?" He looked down at me.

"Mickela get away from him now!" Steve yelled charging at Bucky, kicking him into the wall. Steve grabbed my shoulders. "You need to get to Alex and then get up to the penthouse. Buck has turned he's the Winter Soldier now." Bucky emerged from the wall. "Go!" Steve yelled as him and Bucky started fighting. I ran into Alex's room locking the door behind me.

"Mickela what's going on?" He walked over to me.

"Hydra's here. dad...they turned him and...I killed three of them." I cried. Alex hugged me. "It's okay. Everything's gonna be alright." I took a deep breath and collected myself.

"Steve said to get you and get back up to the penthouse." He nodded. I took his hand in mine, unlocked the door and opened it only to be face to face with the Winter Soldier.

"Crap." Alex and I said in unison. He went to grab us but we ducked under his arm and ran into the hallway. As we ran through the hallway Winter kept a steady pace behind us. Stopping in a doorway I focused on making a wall of ice and quickly the ice formed putting a barrier between us and the Winter soldier. We got up about two flights of stairs before we heard the ice shatter and his footsteps running up the stairs. We quickened our step running up the stairs. I opened the door to the floor just below the penthouse and ran through the hallway until we ran into Tony and Steve; it looked as if Tony was unconscious while Steve had only a few cuts and bruises. 

We ran up to him but before anyone could speak Winter opened the door and walked through. There was a brief moment of silence before he ran at Steve kicking into the elevator door. Winter walked up to Steve and went to punch him but Steve moved just in time causing him to miss. The elevator doors however seemed to explode off its hinges and the doors fell down the empty elevator shaft. But while Steve was still recovering from the impact of hitting the Elevator doors Winter brought back his metal arm and knocked out Steve. He turned towards Alex and I; his eyes focused on me.

Alex pushed me behind him and got ready to fight. He charged at the Winter Soldier; at the last second Winter side stepped him and kicked him in the back. He turned back towards me; taking advantage of him being distracted Alex jumped on his back and put him in a choke hold. He stumped forward and I quickly moved behind them. "What do I do? He's gonna kill Alex." Before I could do anything Winter's arm grabbed Alex's shirt and flipped him off of his shoulders. The impact was enough to knock him out. Now it was just me and the Winter Soldier.

I was so dead. I had no fighting experience and still wasn't in control of my powers. I didn't want to accidentally kill him like I did the other Hydra Agents. I was cornered if I backed up any further I would fall down the elevator shaft. "No, no, no." Winters' metal arm shot out gripping my neck. My feet were no longer on the ground and I was hanging in the elevator shaft. Behind Winter I saw Steve grabbing his shield and creeping up behind him.

"Dad. Please. Please dad don't." Tears streamed down my face. I looked in his eyes and could see Bucky forcing the Winter Soldier into its hole. Steve then hit him upside the head knocking him out. He started leaning forward about to fall in the shaft but Steve got him in time. I however kept falling. I could hear Steve yelling but I just closed my eyes. Suddenly I stopped falling, opening my eyes I found a spider web attached to my torso and hips. Slowly I was pulled up and a man in a red and blue suit put an arm around my waist.

"Hey hey it's okay I've got you. You're okay." He sounded so young. As he guided us back up the shaft I put my arms around him.

"Thank you Spiderman." He didn't respond.

When we got back up Steve hugged me.

"Oh my god I am so sorry Peanut." He apologized. I smiled at the nickname.

"It's okay Steve. I'm alright. Is my dad okay?" Steve looked shocked.

"Did he tell you about that?" I shook my head.

"I pieced it together."

"Ow." Alex groaned. I ran over to him kneeling by his side.

"Alex are you okay?"

"Peachy." He groaned. "I think I reopened my stitches." Blood bloomed on his grey shirt.

A couple hours later everything was finally nice and calm. For safety reasons Bucky was placed in a cell. The other Hydra members were rounded up and put in a separate holding cell. Throughout this whole fiasco there were only three fatalities. Because of me. I stayed quiet. Steve kept saying it was an accident but that didn't make me feel better. I killed 3 people. Steve noticed Bucky starting to wake up so he made his way down to meet him when he woke. And after more time they both came up. I looked over at the elevator expectation to only see Steve but my eyes landed on my dad.

"Dad!" I yelled jumping over the couch and jumping up into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He laughed and hugged me back but then put me down and held me at arms length looking down at me. He looked like he was going to cry.

"Did you call me dad? You know? Who told you?"

"Yeah and nobody I kinda pieced it together." He hugged me again. When we pulled away his eyes focused on the bruise forming on my neck. He went stiff.

"Did I do that?" He asked. His voice was small and a whisper.

"It wasn't you dad, it was the Winter Soldier." He shook his head.

"We're the same person Mick."

"No you're not! If you were you wouldn't have cared. You're not the same person. Please don't say that again because it's not true." He yielded.

"Okay Mick." Steve pulled him away but given how he looked at me I knew it was about me. Walking away from Steve he guided me into the other room. "So...Steve told me what happened." I put my head down. Tears stung my eyes.

"I'm sorry." 

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