Chapter 19

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*Kinda intense*

*Bucky's POV*

It has now been 3 months since Hydra took Mickela. And we had nothing. Not even a suggestion as to her even being alive. And we haven't heard anything from our spy in Hydra. I was yanked from my thoughts when Steve called me.

"Bucky! You're gonna wanna see this." I walked into the kitchen to see everyone sitting around the monitor. On the monitor was the camera that was planted on the spy. And standing in front of him holding a pistol up him was my daughter.

"You see. We do not accept moles in our snake nest. You want to know what we do to moles?" She asked. What did they do to you kiddo.

"Please." He pleaded.

"We kill them. So Caleb should we just let him freeze in the cold crisp air of the Belukha Mountains or should I just shoot him?" She asked the man behind her.

"Meh I'm tired just shoot him so we can go to bed." She laughed.

"Wait no please your dad is coming. He's on his way to Russia. To save you please don't do this." She smiled.

"Good. But too bad you won't be here to see him." A shot rang out. "Let's get some sleep." And then the door closed.

"Belukha Mountain in Russia." I spoke softly. "Find the place wheels up in thirty. Suit up." I said getting up. I went down to the medical wing where Peter was and filled him in on what was going on. "You like her don't you." I asked. I laughed at how fast his head whipped around. "Well that confirmed it. I chuckled. After talking to him a bit more I left to get ready to go. When we all got in the jet I took the lead and gave them their assignments.

"Tony Thor and Vision you three take the perimeter and make sure no one tries to get away. Banner, Nat, Wanda, and Clint you go through and capture/take out Hydra Agents. And Steve and I are going to find my Mickela. Okay?" Everyone nodded. Everyone was sitting but I couldn't. I was too worried. So to keep busy I kept cleaning my Automatic.

"Bucky come sit down man. You're starting to make me anxious." Steve said.

"Steve if I sit down right now I'll explode. How do people do this...parent thing once we get her back I'm not gonna want her out of my sight. You know I specifically left so she wouldn't live in fear but you know if I had known this was gonna happen...I would have stayed and ran with Marlee." Clint chuckled.

"Oh just wait till it's college time." I shivered at the thought.

"We're here."

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