Chapter 9

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*Mickela's POV*

As we drove away I looked back and watched the winter soldier fall to his knees.

"Who are you people? What do you want?! Why did you kill my mom?!" I asked.

"I'm not dealing with this, put her under."I was about to ask what he meant when I felt a pinch in my neck. The world spun and faded into black.

When I woke up I was in what looked like a cell. I patted my pockets for my phone but it wasn't there.


A guard came in to check on me and I told him my ankle hurt (not a lie) and while he was distracted I pickpocketed his phone. He never noticed. After he left I laid down and acted like I was going to bed but instead I called Alex's phone.

But someone else answered.

"Hello?" A man said.

"My name is Mickela. I was kidnapped. Please help me."

"Mickela?! Oh thank god!" The man yelled. " Jarvis track this number." He rattled off numbers.

"Who is this anyway cause I know that this isn't Alex."

"I'm Bucky Barnes or the Winter Soldier." He said. As I was about to answer the door flew open. I knew it was to good to be true. I shoved the phone under the pillow. Two men grabbed me and I started screaming. However that made Bucky yell for me. And they heard him (Great). One of them threw my pillow and grabbed the phone.

"Take her to the torture room." That didn't sound good. I kept screaming as they dragged me down the hallway to the room. And unfortunately my suspicions were right. And I can honestly say I've never screamed that much. It went on for an hour but it felt like an eternity.  After they were done I was too weak to move so I was dragged by my arms back to my cell. When we reached my cell they just threw me onto the floor. I stayed there. Cuts and bruises littered my body. Blood caked onto my skin. My throat felt like tar was poured down it and my face was damp from my tears that seemed to never stop falling. I didn't even move when guards came in to make sure I was still alive. Nor did I move when there was an explosion followed by yelling and gunshots.

After a while the yelling stopped; and my cell door opened. My heart raced.

"No. Please." I cried. The footsteps quickened.

"Mickela? Hey it's okay we're here to save you." Bucky said. I was still crying. My body radiated pain. Just breathing hurt. "Let's get you out of here." He gently picked me up and cradled me in his arms. And then started walking. I looped my arm around his neck and snuggled closer to him. He was so warm. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and closed my eyes. I heard a woman's voice calling my name and I slowly opened my eyes. I was still in Bucky's arms but now we were in the jet. I didn't understand why but when I was in his arms I felt safer than ever.

"Can you move at all?" The Black Widow asked. I didn't answer. I just closed my eyes and relaxed in Bucky's arms. I felt him smoothing my hair.

"Nat can you please get me a blanket? She's freezing." He asked, but I didn't feel cold. I felt rather warm actually. Seconds later I had a blanket around me.

"Do you want to lay down on the stretcher? Or sit on the seat?" Bucky asked. I opened my eyes and put my head up a little and lightly shook my head (which was a mistake) I whimpered as I slowly placed my head back in the crook of his neck.

"No thank you." I whispered then sighed. "So warm." I snuggled closer to Bucky again. I felt his arms gently tightened around me.

"Okay Mickey. I've got you." He said. My eyes fluttered closed.

I felt like a child who fell asleep on their father's lap. I knew I had met or seen him before but I just couldn't place him. It was so annoying. I opened my eyes and mumbled something.

"Hmm?" I repeated what I said a little louder.

"How do I know you?" He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "I remember seeing you somewhere but I can't seem to place it." Bucky smiled. He put his hand on the side of my head and gently guided my back onto his shoulder.

"Shhh. It's okay I'll explain everything when you're well rested and all patched up." He said softly. Slowly I nodded and soon drifted off to sleep.

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