Chapter 12

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*Mickela's POV*

It's been a couple days since the kidnapping. Alex and I have been staying at Avengers Tower. My foster parents know everything and even dropped off most of my clothes. Alex is just about completely healed and as it turns out...when I was tortured by Hydra; they injected me with something and now I have powers.......yay. I can control ice and water. So that explains why everyone thinks I'm freezing cold. I've started to trust everyone a lot more now. They're all so nice. Unfortunately I still don't know how I know Bucky and when I ask him about it he doesn't say anything. And I know he knows something.

"Hey Bucky?" I called him from the kitchen. He tilted his head back until it touched the back of the couch to look at me upside down.


"When are you going to tell me how you know my mom and how I know you?" I asked.

"This is really bugging you huh?" I nodded.

"Ummm yeah!" He laughed.

"Fine. Come here." Smiling, I ran over and sat down next to him on the couch. He paused his movie.

"So about 15 or 16 years ago I had gotten away from Hydra..." he hesitated. "I was sleeping in an ally when a nice woman came over and asked me if I was okay. She said I could stay with her so I wasn't in the cold. And when I explained what happened she wasn't afraid. She helped me remember who I was. That woman was your mother. Eventually I grew to trust her. And we got closer. And then she was pregnant with you." He took a breath. "It wasn't soon after you were born that Hydra found me. They threatened yours and your mother's safety so I went with them." He explained. I could see the pain in his eyes.

"What about my dad?" I asked. He looked away; I thought for a moment and remembered what my mom had told me about my dad.

"He was so sweet, and had a kind heart but was so damaged that he never trusted anyone including himself. When I told him we were expecting he was so afraid that if the bad people came they would hurt us. He would stay up and guard the front door while I slept." "Who damaged him momma?" I asked. Her eyes got dark and her smile faded.

"Bad people honey. Bad people."

"Why did he leave?" I cocked my head to the side then looked down. "Was it me?" I asked. My mom's head snapped toward me.

"Of course not baby girl! He had to leave. You see your dad got away from these bad people. And I was helping hide from them and we fell in love, and after you were born they found him again. They told him if he didn't go with them they would hurt us. So he left to protect us." She took a breath. "That had to have been his hardest choice yet. You were about two and a half months old. He loved you so much baby."

Finally it clicked in my head. I was gapping at Bucky. He was about to say something when he saw my face.

"What?" He sounded confused and slightly scared.

"Nothing!" I blurted running back into the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen the elevator opened revealing Steve, Tony, Clint and Nat. As they exited I quickly entered.

"Hey where's the fire munchkin?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, you okay?" Nat asked.

"Um yeah. No. No yeah I'm okay." I stuttered.

"Mickela?" Bucky called coming into the kitchen. He threw his arms out "What happened?" He asked, confused.

"Hey if you break the button you're paying for repairs." Tony said. I realized I haven't stopped hitting the button. Nervously I laughed as the door closed. When the elevator door opened I almost knocked over Bruce.

"Oh hey you okay?" He asked me.

"Oh yeah sorry I'm okay." I got up quickly. "Sorry for running into you." I yelled running down the hall. When I reached Alex's room I rushed in and slammed the door shut.

"Mickela? What's wrong?"

"Okay so remember how I told you Bucky knew me and my mom." He nodded. "He told me that they got closer." He looked confused. "He told me that after I was born Hydra found him. That adds up with my moms story except she said my 'dad' was taken by Hydra. And that's what Bucky said happened to him!"

"Okay Detective what do you think that means?"

"I don't know. I think Bucky might be"

"Okayyyy." He said slowly. "What did he say about this?"

"I ran away before I told him." Just then I remembered something else.

"...maybe you'll understand with your daughter's blood on your hands."

"You have to talk to him."

"I know I'm just scared." I said biting my nails. I hung out with Alex for a little bit longer trying to calm down my nerves, until I got a text from Steve in the group chat.

Steve: So does anyone else really wanna know why Mickela scurried out of the kitchen and into the elevator?

Bruce: Yes! She bumped into me at the elevators.

Nat: Yes please. Bucky what did you say to her?!

Tony: She looked freaked out.

Bucky: I told her how I knew her and her mom and it looked like she realized something and then she booked it out of the living room. Speaking of which has anyone seen her?

Alex: Don't worry she's with me.

Clint: So she knows everything now?

Bucky: Well not everything...

Steve: Buck! Tell her.

Bucky: Hey hey hey she ran out before I could! It's not my fault!

Thor: It is best for her to know the whole truth.

Bucky: Yeah I know.

Mickela: Hey sorry I didn't mean to startle you I just remembered... something.

Clint: Care to share?

Mickela: Not really. Not yet anyways.

Clint: Oh come on this is gonna bug me!

Nat: Same!

Bucky: Mickela? Can you come to the kitchen please I have to talk to you about something.

Mickela: Oh um yeah I'm on my way.

Bucky: Okay. Thank you.

Standing up I put my phone in my back pocket and walked to the door.

"Good luck!" Alex called. I stopped at the door frame and smiled.

"Thanks." I walked into the elevator and hit the penthouse button.

As I entered the penthouse alarms started blaring. Tony and the rest of the Avengers entered the room.

"Intruders." Steve said.

"H...hydra?" I asked. He nodded.

"Suit up." He commanded.

"What about me?" 

"You and Bucky are to stay put." I was about to agree when I remembered Alex.

"Wait. Alex I have to get to him."

"Mickela it's to dangerous." Bucky stated.

"Please, he's my bestfriend I can't lose him." I pleaded. Steve nodded.

"Come on." Bucky said, taking my hand. We went to the stairs and made our way down to Alex.

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