Chapter 7

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*Mickela's POV*

I clawed at the arm around my neck. My brain went blank. Alex charged at the man holding me.

"Let go of her!" He yelled. I watched as he beat the man. When the man stayed down he ran over to me. Fear in his eyes.

"Are you alright? Come on we have to go now!" He yelled, grabbing my hand. Together we ran away from the men. As we ran through the streets of Massachusetts; Alex got out his phone and dialed a number on the folded piece of paper.

"Hello? You were right. They're here and after her. I don't know how long we can run for." He kept looking over his shoulder. And then swore. "They are following us. Please hurry." He hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "Of all the days today had to be the day no one was out?!" He yelled. Tears stung my eyes. Suddenly Alex stopped. Two other men stood blocking our path. Alex went to turn around quickly when there was a bang. My head snapped behind me and I saw one of the men behind us holding a gun at us. Did he miss? I looked to Alex to see him holding his side and blood plumming on his T-shirt. No. His legs gave out under him and he fell on the ground.

"No Alex! No!" I cried. The four men got closer. "Help! Help! Somebody help--" on of the men grabbed me putting his hand over my mouth and dragged me away from Alex.

"No!" Alex yelled. One of the guys put me in the van and handcuffed me to a handle on the inside of the roof. They were about to close the door when a jet came down and landed at the intersection in front of us. The jet hatch opened and out came the Avengers. Black Widow rushed over to Alex and helped him. One of the men who handcuffed me spoke.

"Soldier, so kind of you to join us." The Winter Soldier stepped forward.

"Let the girl go."

"I told you if you ran then they would pay. Apparently you didn't get the message when Mrs. Jones got in that unfortunate accident, maybe you'll understand with your daughter's blood on your hands." He thought for a moment. "Marlee? What do you mean? What did you do?!" He yelled putting his gun up pointing it at the man in front of me.

"Oh I did nothing but cut the break line." He laughed.

"You killed my mom?!" I screamed, kicking him in the back. When he moved the Winter Soldier made eye contact. The gun lowered slightly.

"Mickela?" He looked like he was about to cry. But he quickly masked his emotions and put the gun back up pointing it at the man; his eyes locked on the man. "Let her go NOW!" He snarled; anger flooded his eyes. The anger disappeared and was replaced with fear and I felt cold metal against my head. I froze.

"You move and she's dead." The man yelled behind me. The man standing in front of the car closed my door and got in and we drove off.

Why did he look so familiar? Who was he? Why did he know my mom? Or my name for that fact.

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