Chapter 23

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*Peter's POV*

As we were watching the second Jurassic Park Movie I realized Mickela had fallen asleep.

"FRI. take a picture and send it to me please."  Seconds later my phone dinged. I sent the picture to the group chat.

Nat: Aw! That's adorable!

Bucky: Hurt her I'll end you with my pinky.

Tony: Hurt him I'll hurt you.

Steve: Hurt Bucky I hurt you.

Banner: Well that escalated quickly.

Nat: Tell me about it they're all currently glaring at each other cracking their knuckles.

Me: Seriously?! Trust me I know alright Bucky. I would never hurt her. I promise.

Bucky: Good.

Me: And for the record no one is hurting anyone! No more bloody feuds okay that shit was stressful.

Tony: Peter language!

Steve: Language!

Me: sorry.

Suddenly I felt my shirt becoming damp. I looked down to see Mickela flinching, her face twisting in pain. Her cheeks were damp from her already shed tears.

Me: Guys... Somethings wrong with Mickela. I think she's having a nightmare. I don't know what to do.

Bucky: I'm on my way.

Before I could respond Mickela shot up startling me and a half asleep Alex. She jumped up screaming and falling on the floor tears streaming from her eyes. I went to get up but was stopped by searing pain. Bucky came running in, dropping to his knees next to her. She quickly backed herself into a corner bringing ice up to shield herself. The rest of the Avengers filed into the room Wanda kneeled next to Bucky putting her hand on his shoulder, her hand glowing red. There was a moment of silence before Bucky gasped for breath.

"Jesus! Wanda warn someone before you do that."

"What did she do?" Steve asked.

"Showed me her dream. And trust me it was not pleasant. So ummm... no sudden movements or noises. Okay?" Everyone nodded.

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