Chapter 22

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*TW: Intense!!*


Caleb came into view.

"Dude! What the heck!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry Caleb." My voice was just above a whisper.

"Was that payback for when I accidentally stabbed you on a mission?!" He stepped forward, I stepped back.


"I thought we were friends Ice."

"That's not my name."

"Whatever." He hissed. "Take her out." Suddenly, the scene changed like I had been in a simulation. I looked around the room. I was strapped in a chair with people around a monitor. It was all a simulation. No no no no no no NO!

"You failed us Ice." One doctor said. Suddenly I was dragged out of the room and thrown into another. Three agents came at me punching and kicking me.

I was left there bleeding and crying. I just wanted to go home. Why can I go home. I want my dad. My family. I want my life back! The door opened as an agent entered and dragged me out of the room by my hair. I was brought to another room. I scanned the room and felt like all the air was sucked out of the room. The Avengers including Peter and my dad (even Alex was there) were chained kneeling on the ground. Everyone looked at me and I started crying. No.

"This is your punishment Ice." An agent spat. He unholstered his gun and aimed at Tony.

"No!" I screamed but when I went to run forward two agents held me back. One by one he shot them.

They were dead and it was all my fault.

Hydra won. I was broken. I had nothing left. I could do nothing but comply.

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