Chapter 4

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*Bucky's POV*

I drifted off to sleep, a pleasant dream played behind my eyelids.

"Bucky." A woman called. I looked around and I was in a nice house. "Buck?" I turned and saw a woman in the doorway holding a swaddled baby. "You okay? Honey?" She asked me. I shook my head. She left with a worried look on her face. And returned without the baby. We sat down on the couch and I put my hands in my head.

"I don't remember. I—" she cut me off.

"Bucky it's okay. You're alright." I realized I was crying. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"What would I do without you Marlee?" My head was on her lap and she ran her hands through my hair.

"Be a mess that's what." She answered.

"That was rhetorical." I mumbled. But I knew she was right. After a little longer the baby began to cry. I got up and walked down the hall and opened the door to the nursery. "Hey Mickey. How you doin' babygirl?" When I spoke she stopped crying. "Hey Mar where's Mickela's formula?" I called.

"In our room on the nightstand." She called back.

"Thank you dear."


I picked up Mickela and walked into my bedroom, grabbed the formula and walked into the kitchen and made her bottle. When I was done feeding her I set her on her belly on the floor. Suddenly I found myself looking out the window. There were men coming up to the door. I was able to catch a glimpse of the emblem on their shoulders. Hydra.

"Crap! Marlee!" Marlee ran in the room and I handed her Mickela. "Stay behind me." Someone knocked at the door. I opened it and a Hydra agent walked forward.

"Sergeant Barnes. It's nice to see you again."

"What do you want?" I growled.

"You Barnes. We want you. You were stupid enough to run away and unless you want your nice family to take your place..." two agents moved forward but Bucky stepped forward. "Fine I'll make you a deal. Come with us and not one hair on their heads will be touched. Choose quickly we'll be outside." With a snap of his fingers the agents turned around and left the door closed. I didn't move; I could feel Marlee staring at the back of my head.

"I have to."

"No! No you don't! We can run and—." I cut her off.

"And what? And give Mickela a life where she is constantly afraid? I can't do that not to you and certainly not to Mickela. I'm sorry." She started to cry. I hugged her and Mickela. When we broke away I kissed Mickela on her head and Marlee on the lips. "I'll get away and I'll find you girls I promise. I'll come back and we'll be a... somewhat normal family." I stopped at the doorway. "I love you Marlee Jones. And I'll never forget you."

I woke up with a jolt, gasping for breath; my lungs felt like they were on fire as I tried to catch my breath. I was drenched in sweat. My hair clung to my face. I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face.

"Marlee Jones." I looked in the mirror and smiled. "Told you I'd remember you." I walked out of my bathroom and heard people in the living room. I put on my gray v-neck t-shirt that matched my grey sweatpants and walked out to meet everyone. 

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