Chapter 5

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*Bucky's POV*

I walked into the living room and saw everyone eating breakfast. Steve was the first to notice me.

"Hey Buck. Want some bacon?" He asked, not looking up from cooking.

"No thank you." That got Steve's attention. After that dream I didn't really have an appetite.

"What's wrong." He asked sternly. I shook my head. "Don't give me that crap you look like you've seen a ghost. And it's you; you never turn down bacon. So what's wrong." He didn't break eye contact.

"I remembered something."

"Well you gonna brood over it or are you gonna tell us." Nat said intrigued.

"Stark." Tony froze mid-chew and looked at me. "I need you to find someone for me." He swallowed.

"Um... yeah sure got a name?"

"Uh yeah Marlee Jones." Now everyone was listening. Stark left to get his computer and came back.

"So who's Marlee Jones?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Someone very important to me." I stated.

"Um, sorry Barnes." My head snapped over to Tony. "She's deceased." I felt something break in me.

"What?" I whispered. "How?"

"Car accident." Another name popped into my head.

"Mickela Jones." Stark typed.

"Says she's in foster care and... oh pretty darn close."

"How close."

"Massachusetts." Tony said. I walked over to the computer. And read all the information on her over Tony's shoulder. And then I remembered what Hydra said.

"When was the accident?" I asked.

"About 6 years ago."

"Crap." I ran my hand through my hair. "Give me the computer please." He handed me the computer and looked for anyone close to her.

Alex Woodworth; relationship: best friend.

I found his number and grabbed my phone and dialed the number putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi I'm sorry to bother you but do you know Mickela Jones?"

"Yes. Who is this?" He said getting suspicious.

"My name is Bucky."

"Okay Bucky. How do you know Mickela?" I froze and took a deep breath.

"I'm her—I'm her dad." I said. I noticed the avengers sit up straighter.

"Alright bet." He didn't believe me. I flashed back to my dream.

"She has beautiful electric blue eyes. And bleach blond hair." I closed my eyes and another memory flashed behind my eyes. " and she has a scar on her cheek because of a picture frame. And her birthday was July 12th."

"That's not on here." Stark whispered to the others.

"Okay. I believe you."

"Good now where is Mickela right now?"

"At her foster parents house."

"Okay good."

"Yeah so now can you answer a question for me."

"Umm... yeah sure what's——"

"Where did you go? Why did you leave the Jones's? Are you gonna find Mickela and you know be her dad? Why are you just looking for her now?"

"First off that was 4 questions but to answer them..." I took a deep breath. "That's personal. To protect them. I have no bloody idea yet. And because she's in danger."

"Woah woah woah. She's in danger?" After I explained everything to him he agreed to help me watch over her. I told him to write down my number in case of an emergency. And then we hung up. I looked at the Avengers.

"So you have a daughter." Steve asked. I nodded slowly. "Does that make me her uncle?" I nodded again. I could tell he was happy. And well so was I. I have a daughter.

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