Chapter 18

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*Mickela's POV*

When I woke up I was in a dark room I didn't recognize. I could feel the restraints on my arms, legs and torso. I heard movement and then was blined when the lights turned on. Instead of being on a table in a chair strapped down.

"Welcome back!" I heard someone say. "Now we can get started." Two men in lab coats moved forward.

"Open your mouth." One ordered. I just stared. "Or do you want to break your teeth?" I opened my mouth and he put in a rubber mouthguard. And then the worst pain imaginable came. All I could do was scream and beg for it to either stop or for it to kill me. In the end I blacked out and woke up to one of them shaking me.

"Ice? Ice! Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"What in the hell? Where am I? Who are you?" I stopped for a minute. "Who am I? Why can't I remember anything?"

"It's okay you're safe now. You're at Hydra, you work for us. I'm your friend Caleb. Your name is Ice. And during your last mission you fell off a building and lost your memories." After he filled me in on everything he led me to my room so I could freshen up and get some rest.

For the first two weeks all we did was train because when I had lost my memories my fighting skills went with them. And then I complained about the pain of my stab wound I was...well let's just say...desensitized. It was excruciating but now I could get shot and not even notice.

My hand to hand combat had gotten so good that I could take down any Hydra member they put me in the ring with. And they had taught me how to efficiently use my powers. And my targeting skills were the best out of everyone's. Each bullet made a headshot every time.

And now my daily workout became second nature to me to the point where a 10 hour run was nothing anymore. I also got faster with...well everything. Caleb was always calling me the "Prodigy to Hydra". I hated it. Cause I was just doing my job.

Sorry these next few chapters are so short

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