Chapter 16

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*Peter's Pov*

As the day passed I kept getting a really bad feeling. I didn't like it.

"Hey Alex Mickela after school you want to stay and observe the decathlon club so we can walk to the tower together?" I asked them at lunch.

"Sorry Peter... I have a check up with Tony and Bruce to make sure the stitches are healing properly. Then I'm going home for a few days." I nodded kinda bummed.

"I'll come! I always wondered about what y'all did there." she laughed. I smiled. I loved her laugh. Whenever I passed her in the hallway she would smile at me. And dear god her smile was contagious!

After class we met at my locker.

"Hey." I jumped.

"Jesus Mick! You need bells." He laughed. No one was ever able to take me off guard like she did. It's like she was my weakness. I didn't mind.

"Oops. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I could tell she wasn't sorry.

"Brat." I muttered. She heard me and gave me a light push. When we entered the auditorium I made my way up to the stage and took my seat. I looked over and saw Flash hitting on Mickela. Using my super hearing I listened in on what he was saying.

"--I'm saying if you want to date someone it shouldn't be Parker." I balled my fists. Wait, was I jealous?! She looked over at me. Yup, definitely jealous.

"And why is that?" She asked, crossing her arms. I knew where this was going. I smiled.

"Because... he's a loser and you can do so much better than him."

"I assume the person better than him would be you?" She asked.

"Well yeah." She stood up and grabbed her bag, putting it on one shoulder.

"Sorry but I don't like bullies or boys who are full of themselves." she turned to walk away but stopped and turned back to him. "Also, it doesn't get better than Peter because he is intelligent, kind-hearted, funny, and just so generous." she walked away and sat down on the stage in front of the table, in front of me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. After decathlon club Mickela and I were walking home when I noticed a sketchy black van. 

However, I was too distracted by my own thoughts that by the time I registered the van speeding towards us I only had enough time to move Mickela out of the way. Thus causing me to be hit and thrown into garbage cans. When I came to I heard Mickela calling my name; one man coming up to me and two creeping up behind her. Before I could say anything to her the man took advantage of me being disoriented and started punching and kicking me. And before he went back to the car he had grabbed a rusty pipe and hit me over the head with it. I watch as they throw her into the van and speed off. And then it all went black.

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