Chapter 24

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*Bucky's POV*

I moved closer to broken my daughter.

"Mickela. Honey it's your dad." Her crying grew.

"No. No. No."

"Honey I need you to look at me okay. Can you look at me." I noticed the ice starting to melt. "Come on baby girl I need you to look at me." Finally the ice disappeared revealing Mickela. Slowly she looked up at me. The red puffiness around her eyes made her eyes look bluer. I moved closer to her and brought her in for a hug. She cried into my shoulder, holding onto me like I might disappear.

"Everything's okay baby. I promise. This is real. Okay you're safe. See look, we're all here. Alive healthy-" I looked at Peter. "Somewhat healthy." 

It took a bit but after awhile she fell asleep in my arms. Saying goodnight to everyone I carried her upstairs and to her room. As I went to leave she woke up slightly.

"Stay with me?" I smiled.

"Scoot." I said, lying next to her. Her head rested on my chest while her arm was draped across my torso. Gently she fell asleep.

"How's she doing?" Steve asked.


"I told you we'd get her back." I smiled.

"I would die for this kid." That took him off guard. "Steve when I found out someone took her and when we were at that base. The only thing stopping me from blowing it to smithereens was that I didn't have her next to me. They broke her Steve. You should have seen the dream. They used us against her to break her. To make her comply. If I could, all of them would be dead in seconds."

"I know Buck. I know. And we asked Wanda to show us. Who's Caleb, by the way?" I shook my head.

"No i---. Wait the guy that was behind her when we saw her on the camera feed."

"We'll ask her about it tomorrow." I nodded.

After Steve left Mickela had whimpered, probably having another nightmare. I tightened my arm around her protectively.

"You're okay. I got you kiddo." I listened to her steady breathing and slowly fell asleep to the sound. Everything seemed perfect. 

-----Time Skip-----

When I woke up I noticed Mickela was still snuggled up to my side, tightly holding onto my arm sleeping. I smiled and kissed her forehead and reached for my phone. Unlocking it I got several notifications from the group chat.

Steve: Okay so how are we going to ask Mickela about Caleb without inducing a panic attack?

Nat: No idea.

Clint: Well we definitely can't hound her about it that's for sure.

Steve: Yeah definitely.

Tony: Maybe we can ask her over breakfast. What's a good breakfast to make for a teen who is gonna tell us what happened during the most traumatic three months of her life?

Steve: Pancakes?

Clint: Waffles?

Peter: Omelets??? Just don't have Mr.Stark make it.

Tony: Really Underoos?! One time!

Me: Ummmmmm... no idea when she wakes up we'll ask her but don't hound her.

Tony: Well no duh Metalica. How is Metalica on Ice?

Me: Still out cold. Pun intended but not intended at the same time. 

Steve: Really?

Peter: That was bad Bucky.

Me: No one gets my humor!

Just then I heard a small voice.


"Hey kiddo. Did you sleep okay?" She nodded sleepily. "Are you hungry?" Once again she nodded. We got up and made our way to the kitchen. Everyone was in there. As we sat down at the island Steve passed us two plates full of eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. "Sweetheart?" She looked at me. "Can we ask you a question? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." She nodded.

"Not my favorite type of question but sure what's up." I looked to Steve who nodded.

"Who's Caleb?" He asked. She visibly stiffened and looked down. Wanda came over and gave her a hug, confusing the rest of us.

"He was my 'best friend' at Hydra." Alex spoke up.

"Sorry not to be insensitive but..." We smiled knowing where he was going with that. "BET!" He yelled, throwing his hands in the air. She continued.

"When I saw the Shield agent I knew you were still looking for me. So I knew that the explosion was you." She took a breath. "When we went to the Armory to get our gear... I knew that if I left him there Hydra would punish him. So I killed him." She was looking down as silence filled the room. "I couldn't bare the thought of him going through that pain. If I just left him there to deal with that... that would have been so much worse than death." She started crying. Peter came over to her and hugged her. She cried into his chest, breaking my heart. Steve spoke.

"You said that when you saw the shield agent you knew we were still looking for you. Didn't they wipe your memory? How did you remember?" She shook her head.

"I don't know just one night they all came flooding back." I leaned over and pulled her into a hug. After we finished our breakfast we sat down on the couch and watched movies for the rest of the day. After the first movie ended Peter had to go back to his Aunts. And once he left Mickela stayed cuddled up to me for the rest of the day.

Yeah. Everything was perfect. Just perfect.

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