Chapter 15

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*Mickela's POV*

It's been about a month since Hydra attacked the tower. And since then Natasha, Dad and Peter have been helping me control my powers. I am now able to put Steve and my dad flat on their butts.

And another upside is Peter and I have gotten closer because we see each other everyday at the tower and school. Peter, Alex and I have become kinda like the Three Musketeers. And it's awesome but... you know that feeling of it's too good to be true? Yea I have that feeling and it's accompanied by the feeling of something bad about to happen. Everyone was in the kitchen waiting for Tony to be done with the pancakes in silence when my dad's voice caught everyone's attention.

"Mickela? You okay?"

"Yea I'm okay. I just... am paranoid."

"You feel like something is gonna happen and that this is too good to be true?" Wanda seemed confused.

"Hey kid. Everything's fine okay?" I nodded. "Don't be a paranoid weirdo like your dad." Dad and Steve shook their heads. After we ate, Alex and I headed to school to meet Peter. At the end of the day Peter and I stayed behind for an after school club.

"Hey I'll walk you home it's uhh starting to get dark." He said, I didn't stop him. As we were walking on the sidewalk a black van came speeding down the empty road like a bat out of hell. And at the last second swerved at us. Peter noticed and pushed me out of the way in turn sending him flying into multiple garbage cans and passing out for a second.

"Peter!" he started to get up but one of the guys got out of the car, walked over to him and started beating the crap out of him. I went to run forward to help him but was stopped by two arms grabbing me from behind and a needle being stabbed into my neck. And then everything went black.

Authors' Note:

Hey sorry this chapter is so short I was really tired" 

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