Chapter 21

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*Mickela's POV*

When I woke up I was in my room. My REAL room. It already felt so good to be home. I noticed I was still in my bloody mission suit and decided to take a quick shower. However a quick shower turned into an hour shower, I mean can you blame me the hot water was so soothing and relaxing on my tense muscles. I got dressed and walked out to the kitchen to see everyone up. Walking up to my dad I just hugged his side. After talking for a bit and promising Alex I was okay; I asked the question I had been dreading.

"So um about Peter, the last thing I remember about that night was him getting beaten. Is he okay?"

"Yea he's okay if you want to go see him he's in the hospital wing. Room 20." Without a second thought I got up and walked down. My dad joined me.

He went in first.

"Peter." He said.

"What did you get her? Is she okay? She's not hurt right? You did get her...right?" He spoke quickly. I stepped in the room and immediately ran over to hug him. "Oh god! Thank god. He wasn't saying anything and I got so worried. I am so sorry they got you. It was all my fault I'm so sorry. And I pro---" Our lips collided interrupting his rambling. "Well that's a very nice way to tell me to shut up." He joked and then kissed me again. When we pulled away we heard muffled laughing and looked over to see everyone staring at us.

"If I knew you were going to do that... I would have left." Dad said kinda disgusted. I looked back at Peter.

"So after 3 months of time to heal how are you not completely healed?" I asked a little worried. He looked away and blushed.

"So um after he woke up. He decided to oh how do I put this lightly..." Tony tapped his chin. "Fought when I specifically told him not to and in turn caused him to get hurt even more. So because he repeatedly disobeyed me he is to stay here." Tony crossed his arms.

"Mickey please help. It's torture. I'm so bored." Peter whined. I laughed.

"And what am I chopped liver! Oh I feel the love bro!" Alex said, throwing his arms in the air exiting the room.

"Wait-no-Al-. Crap!" He grumbled, and clutched his side.

"Okay! You." I pointed at Peter. "No sudden movement. And Alex, do me a favor can you go and get mine or your Xbox and set it up please and then sit your butt down and watch a movie with us." Alex quietly got to work; Avengers laughing saying something about me being bossy. Grumbling as he did so. 

After everything was set up I snuggled up to Peter and rested my head on his shoulder. After arguing about what to watch we decided on the Jurassic Park Trilogy. At some point during the movie I fell asleep. And can I just say..... That was a really BAD MOVE!

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