Chapter. 26

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Harry's eyes were glued to the Horan man standing infront of him. He had just finished changing the wet nappy on his daughter when the door opened and he had been frozen since.

"I asked you a question." Bobby stated lowly and Harry gulped. At that moment, Janelle whimpered; probably hungry and Harry placed her on his shoulder as he started bouncing her, trying to stall answering as long as he could.

Suddenly, the door closed and the lock clicked, Harry looked up and Bobby turned around.

"Niall, you let him in?"

Niall glared at his father then he went to Harry and handed him the bottle before turning back to his father.

"Yeah, I did." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Any problem with that?" Niall raised a challenging eyebrow.

Bobby sighed, Niall had gotten his stubbornness, he just knew it.

"Look, I'm just looking out for you okay? I just want my son and granddaughter to be happy. I swear I don't mean any harm."

Niall's face softened just a tad, he glanced at Harry who was too involved in feeding Janelle then looked back at his father.

"I know daddy, and I really love you for it. But keeping Harry from us, won't make us happy." Niall said softly. "We are a family."

Bobby looked at Harry then, and for once didn't glare at him.

"You love him?" He asked, more like stated quietly and Niall nodded without hesitation. "But he hurt you, son. What if he does it again?"

Niall moved closer to his dad.

"What if he doesn't?" He asked. "Just please let me grow up. You are gonna have to let me make my own decisions if I'm gonna grow up." He said softly.

Bobby looked at his granddaughter. Almost done with her bottle and fisting the fabric of Harry's shirt as she fed.

"Can you not grow up for a while longer then?" He asked with a smile and Niall knew then that he had cracked. He was glad he could get through to his father.

Hilarious, he thought. He didn't even have to put up a fight just open his heart and tell his father what he really felt about their protectiveness.

"That would he hard, da. I have that little cutie to take care of now. So I gotta grow up." He grinned.

Bobby smiled, because of course.

"Well," Bobby pulled Niall into a hug just as Harry placed the baby on his shoulder to burp her. "no matter how many kids you have, you'll always he my little boy."

"You sound like mum." Niall teased but Bobby just hugged him tighter.

When they pulled away, Harry had placed Janelle back in the crib and was how stood up, looking at them.

"Come over here." Bobby motioned for him. "Bygones are bygones." They all shared a hug. "You lads sleepy or you want a drink?" Bobby asked and they nodded.

"Yeah, a cuppa is just what I need right now." Niall grinned and quickly set the baby monitor before they all left.


"Mr. Horan I-" Harry started to started to say but was interrupted by Bobby.

"Bobby, call me Bobby son."

"Alright, Bobby. As I was saying, I'm so sorry for hurting Niall. I was young and stupid and didn't know how to appreciate the things I was blessed with in my life. Deciding to focus on the one thing that hurt me everyday but I'm a grown up now and I promise I'll take care of your son and granddaughter to the best of my capabilities. I'll never hurt them."

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