Pris. of Azkaban Pt. 2: Disagreement

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Hermione Pov

As Harry and Buckbeak landed, all of Hermione's classmates stood up quickly and moved a little closer to see what would happen next. She stayed back to take a quick glance over at Draco to make sure he hadn't taken any offense at the face she had made at him after the whole showdown with Harry. Of course, he was already looking at her with a longing look in his eyes and another emotion she couldn't identify. He looked away sheepishly when he saw that she had caught him and he moved up with the rest of the class. Hermione smiled to herself and made her way to the front of the group next to Neville. She was about to raise her hand to ask Hagrid about Buckbeak's diet when there was some commotion coming from the other side of the clearing.

Draco was pushing through the crowd and finally got to the front where he just kept going all the way up to Buckbeak. "Yes, you're not dangerous at all, you great ugly brute."

Hermione's stomach sank as she heard Hagrid's warning tone and saw Buckbeak start. Everything else in Hermione's head was suddenly clouded out with concern when Buckbeak reared and hit Draco's arm. He fell and started moaning, "He's killed me, he's killed me!"

Hermione was still panicking and she made a split-second decision to throw away her doubts about their relationship and help Draco. Hagrid was bent over Draco, trying to reassure him by saying it was only a scratch when Hermione came to Draco's rescue. As much as she loved Hagrid, she knew he didn't know what to do in an emergency. "Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!" She knew she would regret later helping him since some of the third years were already looking at her weirdly, but she didn't care.

"I'm the teacher, I'll do it." Shouting "Class dismissed!", Hagrid carefully picked up Draco and headed off in the direction of the school with Draco moaning all the way.

Hermione made sure no one was looking before trying to sneak off after them. Unfortunately, it seemed Ron had been looking. "Wait up, Hermione!"

"Yes, Ron?"

"Where are you going? Don't you need your bag and robes?" Ron pointed at the pile of stuff that apparently belonged to her. She subtly rolled her eyes before quickly retrieving her things and tried to make her escape just as Ron called, "Hey, Hermione? I was wondering if I could walk back to school with you. Harry is talking to Neville and I have to talk to you."

"Sorry, Ron, but I have somewhere to be, urgently. Maybe another time." Hermione made a break for it, and only when she was a good distance away did she slow down her pace.

Eventually, she got to the Hospital Wing where Draco was sleeping with his arm in a cast. Hagrid had evidently left already and Madam Pomfrey was nowhere in sight which left her alone with Draco. She stormed over to his bedside and shook him awake.

"Hey, what was that for? I was trying to rest to get--"

"DRACO MALFOY! What the hell were you thinking going up to Buckbeak like that?! You could have been seriously injured! What was the 'motive'? Huh? What's your excuse!?" asked Hermione.

"I know, I know. It was stupid but I just couldn't help myself. I was jealous and mad and I wasn't thinking right. I'm sorry; please forgive me?" Draco pleaded.

"Not yet, you bastard. Why were you jealous? All Harry got to do was ride on a hippogriff and I'm sure your parents are rich enough that you could easily get a ride on one." Hermione sat down on the side of his bed.

"This had nothing to do with Potter. I was jealous of Weasley. I saw you guys holding hands and couldn't control myself. I was angry and what I did was irrational but it happened all the same."

"Oh, Draco," Hermione sighed, all of her anger suddenly turning into understanding. "That was just a reflex. Harry startled me and I panicked. I probably would've done the exact same thing if it had been Neville standing next to me, or even Ginny Weasley. You don't have to worry, honestly. The bad part is that now I'm worried that the whole school knows about us."

"Well, it's not your fault. If anything, it's my fault for being an idiot in the first place."

"Well, I didn't see Harry or Ron saying anything, so who knows," Hermione lamented.

"How do you know that everyone knows? Did Weasley say something about how he knew? Do you think the twins exposed us?" Draco asked while propping himself higher on his pillows.

"Well, Ron technically didn't say anything, and neither did Harry, but both of them have always been slow on the uptake. Plus, some of the other kids gave me weird looks after the whole situation. It's only a matter of time before they're alerted."

"But, Hermione, why would that be so bad? Honestly, at this point, I don't care what my father thinks. Yes, he'd probably disown me and never speak to me again but I'm with you and that's all that matters to me right now."

"Draco, I can't let you get disowned all because of me. I would feel so guilty and I don't want to deal with that right now. My friends wouldn't approve, your father wouldn't either, so I just think it's beneficial for both of us. And anyway, I just like having something to myself that Ron or Harry or anyone else can't take away."

"I would never want to intentionally saddle you with guilt over me, you know that, right? If you really want to continue dating in secret, I'm fine with it. I just don't want you to stress about people finding out. Deal?" Hermione nodded and Draco's good hand suddenly came up to her neck, pulling something out from under her shirt. "What's this? The gold color caught my eye."

She looked down and saw the time turner in his hand. "Oh, that's a time turner. I'm sure you've heard of them but these days they're pretty rare. Professor McGonagall gave the school's time turner to me because I had so many classes on my schedule. I'm not allowed to use it for anything else, but it's really cool.

"That is cool! I've never seen one in person but I've read all about them. I bet you're the only one in the school that McGonagall would trust with this. Except for me, of course, but I'm not taking a lot of classes this year." Draco winked and Hermione blushed before quickly moving on to another topic.

"I forgot to ask, but how is your arm feeling?"

"Much better, now that you're here. Although now that I think about it, there is something that would make it feel even better." Draco slowly leaned forward and put his hand on her cheek. Hermione's eyes widened, thinking about what was coming next. She met him halfway and slowly put her lips on his. It was sweet at first with his hand resting on her cheek and her hands on his shoulders. Eventually, Draco slid his hand into her hair and her hands went down to clutch his shirt. Draco massaged her head with his fingers, making her moan. He took that as his chance to slide his tongue into her mouth, thus deepening the kiss. She pushed him back onto the bed and just as she swung her leg over his waist, the door to Madam Pomfrey's office slammed open.

Hermione quickly pushed off of Draco's chest and scrambled off the bed. Madam Pomfrey was standing in shock. Hermione felt a blush creep onto her face and she cleared her throat. "Sorry, Madam. We just got a little carried away. You would understand keeping this confidential, wouldn't you?"

Pomfrey rolled her eyes and bustled over to Draco's bedside. "Minerva already gave Pomona and me orders about you two. Now, Mr. Malfoy. You know that you need to stay off that arm. Ms. Granger and you seemed to be snogging a little too much which won't be good for your healing. A little longer and you might have lost your arm."

Now it was Hermione's turn to roll her eyes. Pomfrey was almost as drama-tastic as Draco. Hermione bid Draco and Pomfrey goodbye before leaving Draco to recover. She was almost through the door when she saw him wink at her, which made her blush even harder.

Well, I'm back. Happy New Year!! Did you like the new chapter? Did you do anything for the holidays? My family and I went up to my grandparent's house and we almost got snowed in so we had to leave early. Please comment vote and request chapters.

-Ms. Scarlet 

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