Goblet of Fire Pt. 3: Jealousy

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Draco Pov

As Draco was eating his pie at lunch, he looked over at Hermione, who was sitting with the Weaslette. Apparently, the Bumbling Two were nowhere to be found. She was already looking at him and when they made eye contact, she motioned towards the door. He nodded and stood up. "Crabbe, Goyle, I have a meeting. If it runs over, cover for me in DADA." Goyle gave him a thumbs up and a wink and Draco rolled his eyes.

Once Hermione was leaving the Great Hall, Draco looked around and when no one was looking, caught up to her. They walked in silence to their regular meeting classroom before Draco closed and locked the door behind them. They both broke out in conversation at the same time and laughed.

"You can go first," Draco said. He sat on the top of one of the desks and smiled at her.

"Can you go first? I need to gather my thoughts."

"Sure. First off, is there any way for me to convince you to give me my 150 galleons back? Father's not happy I lost that much money; plus he doesn't believe that Goyle actually won against me."

"Nope. Sorry Draco, but a deal is a deal." Hermione laughed. "You could always win it back."

"Hermione, don't even pretend you don't know you can't beat me in a second at poker. I'd probably just lose even more money. Anyway, I have a gift for you." Draco gestured for her to come closer.

"Oh, what is it?" Hermione said as she moved so she was standing in between his dangling legs. He leaned forward and pressed his lips onto hers. He felt her smile and deepened the kiss. Her body was pressed flush against his and his hands were in her hair. Draco could almost feel the sparks flying in the air. He felt her hands everywhere and every sense heightened. Her lips parted slightly letting him slip his tongue into her mouth. He slowly stood up, pushing Hermione towards the nearest wall. Her hands flew to his chest in surprise, before she regained composure and gripped his white shirt. Every so often, they would stop for air but would resume just as quickly as they stopped. Hermione finally pulled away and giggled. "Merlin, Draco, that sure was a gift. Any particular reason or special occasion for your gift?"

"I missed you. Plus, I've been thinking about the Yule Ball and how much I want to take you." Draco looked at her with his best pleading eyes. His heart sank though when Hermione shook her head.

"I can't, Draco. I know I'm a coward, but the thought of my friends rejecting me because of who I'm dating makes me sick. I..." Hermione paused and was obviously trying to hold back tears. "Draco, I'm so, so sorry. How about this? I'll save my last dance for you and you'll save yours for me. Okay?" Draco nodded. He understood; he really did. It just hurt his heart to think of Hermione being scared of her friends' reactions. "But Draco."


"I do have some good news for you. Ginny and I have become much better friends over the past year and I told her about us. She was skeptical and suspicious of you at first, but I convinced her you are nothing like your father," Hermione said.

"Well, that's wonderful news, darling. If she reacted well, why wouldn't Potter and Weasley be okay with it?"

"Because they are boys," Hermione responded simply.

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