Pris. of Azkaban Pt. 4: Scared

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Thank you to MuslimOtaku for requesting the punching scene.

Draco Pov

As Draco and his friends were laughing about Buckbeak, he couldn't help feeling bad. He didn't intend to be mean; it just kind of happened. There was that one part of him he had gotten from his father; and as hard as he tried to not let it show, it still came out every so often. Sometimes, he felt like being considered "popular" made it even worse because he could be mean and no one would retaliate or fight back. Except, of course, for the Golden Trio.

Speak of the devil (well, two out of the three), he heard footsteps coming down the hill and turned around. "Ahh, come to see the show?" he said.

Hermione was in front and he could tell by the glimmer in her eyes the time had come for the promise of a punch. "You foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach!" She pointed her wand at him and he played his part by whimpering.

"Hermione, no!" Weasley exclaimed. It was all Draco could do not to roll his eyes. Of course, this would be when Weasel decided to stick up for him. "He's not worth it."

When he felt the pressure of Hermione's wand pressing against his neck disappear, he looked down to find she had retracted it. This was it, the time for the punch, Draco felt sure of it. Except, maybe it wasn't. Hermione turned around and looked like she was going to leave. Draco felt relief wash through him she hadn't done it and let out a chuckle. This was a mistake because before Draco could blink, he felt her fist collide with his nose. His head jerked back into the stone behind him with the force of the punch, and he felt something crack in his nose. Pain blossomed throughout his head and stars danced across his vision.

Goyle and Pike, who were standing near him, grabbed his arms to support him and helped him blindly run up the hill. Once they were far enough away from the trio, Draco stopped and clutched his nose. He felt blood pouring out of it, drenching his hands. "Malfoy! Are you okay?" Pike asked.

"Does it look like I'm bloody okay? Use the spell Episkey; it should fix the bone and stop the blood." Draco took his hands away long enough for Pike to cast the spell (because Merlin knows neither of them trusted Goyle enough to). Once the bleeding stopped, and the pain dwindled to almost nothing, Pike broke the silence.

"Malfoy, aren't you and Granger dating, or did you break up because that punch looked pretty painful."

"Well, we were dating and we are still dating and her punching me was all planned. So, just don't worry about it. I think I'm probably going to go back to the dorms now because I have some homework left to do. See you guys later." Draco waved goodbye and headed towards the dungeons.###

Okay, so before we get into this, I would just like to point out that this is not me trying to make Hermione seem less strong and capable. I just feel like everyone needs support sometimes, especially her because I can't imagine going through everything she did without support. I think a flaw in JK's writing is that Hermione never seems to need support, and she never breaks down. We see Harry breaking under the stress and we see Ron literally abandoning them because of everything that was happening, but I can't think of one time when she did. Don't get me wrong, I think it's amazing, but it just seemed a little unrealistic. I get that she basically helped the boys through everything and she saved them countless times, but wouldn't she need support too? So this is not me making her seem like she isn't strong and capable, just that she sometimes needs support as well. Sry I'll actually write now and end my rant. Also, this scene is three days after the punching incident and 2 nights because I went and watched the movie again, just to count the nights between and that should be the right number.

As Draco slowly awoke, he heard someone knocking on the door to his room. He temporarily had it to himself as Crabbe had been gone all year because of a temporary new job his father had taken. "Come in," Draco said in a husky voice before clearing his voice clear of sleep. He grabbed his wand from the table just in case but relaxed when he saw a head of curly hair peeking around the door. The thought of how she had gotten in quickly flashed across his mind before he remembered he had given her the password.

He got up quickly and rushed over to her. "Hermione! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" It was only then when he saw tears streaming down her face that he stopped and gently pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back soothingly. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here, I've got you." They continued to stand there, her sobbing into his chest and him whispering sweet nothings and rubbing her back.

Once Hermione had calmed down a little, she backed away from him. "Would you like me to explain? I assume you're pretty confused right now."

Draco let out a humorless chuckle and ran his hand through his bedhead. "That would be great. Would you like to sit down?" Hermione nodded and they walked over to the bed and took a seat next to each other.

As Hermione explained all the crazy stuff that had happened in the past three days, Draco couldn't help but let his jaw drop open. She explained that after she had punched him (and that she was really, really sorry) they thought they saw Buckbeak get executed. Weasley's rat escaped and they had to follow it. It led them to the Whomping Willow where they found Sirius Black in Animagus form. Sirius then dragged Weasley into a hidden hole under the tree and Hermione and Potter tried to follow but got pretty beaten up in the process. There was more junk about how Sirius was Potter's godfather, and the rat turned out to be Peter Pettigrew. He was the real one who tipped the Dark Lord off about Potter's parents. Then Snape and Lupin showed up, and some more stuff went down. Peter escaped and everyone left the Shack.

Everyone found out about Lupin being a werewolf because there was a full moon. Potter went missing while trying to help Sirius escape from Lupin before turning up with his soul half sucked out by a dementor.

The next morning, Potter was apparently convinced that he saw his father at the lake, but that myth was busted when he and Hermione used the time turner to go back. They fixed everything and it turned out the figure across the lake was Potter himself.

Basically, it was no wonder Hermione was having a mental breakdown. She hadn't slept for three days and had been in mortal danger the entire time. Draco, meanwhile, felt angry and upset at the Bumbling Two for putting her through all that.

"I am so, so sorry. That sounds awful, but it sounds like you performed perfectly," consoled Draco.

"I just feel so insecure, because I feel like they weren't scared at all, while I was scared the whole time. I am supposed to be a Gryffindor, after all."

"There is a difference between being brave and being idiotic. If neither of the boys was scared after that ordeal, I'm worried for their sanity." Draco looked around at the darkened room and at Hermione's tear-stained face and made a split-second decision. "Would you like to stay the night? I would understand why you would because I would need some comfort after that," Draco offered.

"Thank you so much. I feel like I'm about to drop dead from exhaustion."

Hermione got under the covers and Draco walked around to the other side where he got in as well and curled around her form. "Goodnight, love." Fortunately, all Draco got in return was the sound of Hermione's breathing evening out, and her body relaxing. He drifted off as well, and they both had one of the best sleep of their lives.

I just choose to put off a 1,500-word essay about Florence Nightingale to write this 1,500-word chapter, so I hope you liked it. Please comment, vote and request chapters. Sorry if this wasn't my best chapter.

-Ms. Scarlet

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