Deathly Hallows 2 Pt. 4: Elder Wand

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Hermione Pov

The bridge was littered with rubble and Hermione almost tripped over a suit of armor's stray arm. Harry and Ron were farther along the bridge so she quickly jogged ahead to catch up. Harry had asked them to walk out with him because he had something to tell them but he had yet to speak. Deciding to take charge she said, "Why didn't it work for him? The Elder Wand?" she clarified, seeing him examining it.

"It answered to somebody else," answered Harry. "When he killed Snape, he thought the Wand would become his. But the thing is, the wand never belonged to Snape. It was Draco who Disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy Tower. From that moment on, it belonged to him. Until...the other night when I Disarmed Draco, at Malfoy Manor."

Hermione kept her face neutral at the mention of Draco and Malfoy Manor, but she wasn't neutral on the inside. Even once she let Draco go, she still couldn't get away from him. Now Harry was talking about him and even calling him by his first name? What was up with that?

"So that means..." Ron trailed off behind her.

"It's mine," filled in Harry.

"What should we do with it?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and whirled around at Ron. "We?!

"Just saying, that's the Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the world. With that, we'd be invincible."

That's just the problem, Hermione couldn't help but think. Though there were still Death Eaters out there, they shouldn't have to be invincible since Voldemort was gone. The Elder Wand would cause nothing but pain, and not just for the victims. Even if Harry kept the Wand a secret, someone would eventually find out and kill him for it.

Harry held the wand in his hands and started putting pressure on either side. Hermione glanced at Ron to see if he realized what Harry was doing. Ron did and she looked back at Harry watching him break the Elder Wand in half.

He threw both parts into the ravine and looked back at them. He walked to the middle of the bridge and looked out at the Forbidden Forest. Hermione walked over next to him and grabbed his hand. Ron walked up next to her and grabbed hers as well.

They stood there, three friends holding hands. They were a sight, with dried blood and ripped clothes, but they were there and that's more than some could say. Suddenly, the silence was interrupted by a rustle from the trees. Harry let go of her hand and stepped forward cautiously. Whoever was in there was coming closer to the edge of the forest and abruptly burst out. The man paused and looked around and when he spotted the trio, he started running toward them.

Hermione couldn't tell who it was, but she pulled out her wand quickly, as she was the only one with her wand at the moment since Ron left his in the Great Hall. As the man came closer, she slowly lowered her wand with realization. "What are you doing, Hermione?" yelled Ron. "That's Draco Malfoy and he's getting closer. Put your wand back up and defend us. He's obviously trying to finish what You-Know-Who started."

But Hermione just ignored him because Draco had finally reached them and skidded to a halt in front of her. "You're all right." He said it with such sincerity and relief that she was taken aback.

"Well, of course, I'm all right. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know but I just had to come back to see. I've been thinking and I just couldn't bear it if you were gone...if you had died hating me."

Hermione glanced over at Harry and Ron, both with blank looks of shock on their faces, and threw caution to the wind.


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